-H (pt 3)

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Mikey's P.O.V

"I have so much to say, I mean for starters me and Jack have been dating for a year tomorrow. Brook and Andy are dating and they're so cute its unreal. Rye and Harvey are dating too. Sometimes I forget but then Harvey comes in with a fresh neck of Hickeys and I remember again." I sigh I'm meant to be happy, and don't get me wrong I am. I love Jack more than anything, I love spending time with the boys again. But there is something. I don't know what it is but something isn't complete.

"Cobby" I groan at the nick name Brook gave me. He patters into my room. He puts his hand out for me to take which I gratefully use to get up. I remember its Monday and groan to myself. I do that a lot if you hadn't already gathered. I just wanted to spend the day with my boys. Andy and Brook going to the shop to buy us all stupid amounts of excess food and then sitting on the opposite sides of my room, both on their phones constantly blushing. Me and Jack snuggled on the sofa him either next to me or on my lap with his arm around my waist and hand in mine making me feel safer than ever. Rye and Harvey sitting with us before making eye contact and insisting they have to go to the toilet and then coming down half an hour later with each others shirts on and messy hair insisting they got lost.

Yeah they're weird but they're my weirdos. I didn't even realise Brook had given me a hoodie until he play punched my arm. I thank him chucking it on and groaning getting up. At least I get to see everyone tomorrow on my birthday. Yeah, were all still mates but now we are in college we go to different ones. Me and Brook go to Moreno with a bunch of idiots. Harvey Jack and Andy all go to Monramac the school for stupidly smart people, I am proud off him but the college is three hours away. And then Rye goes on his own to Magichours a school for people who have to retake their GSCE's.

"I was thinking we bunk Mike" I smile slyly at him and nod.

Jack's P.O.V

I was running round mine Harvey and Andy's house stressing. He was going to be here in six hours, everything had to be perfect. Even though I know exactly what Mikey will say when he gets here "Its already perfect if you're here" I needed to put the effort in, everyone was meeting up for the first time in 5 weeks.

"Jack if you don't stand still I will punch you" Harvey points out and I immediately stop. I don't stop worrying which I know the other two notice. Andy walks over to me and raps an arm around my waist because I am taller than him I lie my head on his and breathe heavily.

"We will sort it Jack go and get the food me and Harvey will sort out the house" I smile a little before sighing. "Promise?" He nods and I shoot him a look "I promise Duff" I smile grab my keys and wallet walking out the door. I grab my phone out my pocket and call Rye.

R: Hey Danduff what's up?

J: Don't Rye I'm stressed enough, Where are you?!

R: Turn around twat

J: *hangs up and turns around*

"Hey twat" I smile widely and run at him hugging him tightly which he returns. I have missed this kid so much. He pulls away and we get in my car talking about life while I drive us to the shop to buy snacks.

Brook's P.O.V

I pull Mikey into the car, I pile in the crisps and drinks we just brought. I look at the time. 10:25am That's fine, we are due there at about 2pm so we have time. I head off towards the boys house smiling softly excited to hug Andy again. I put on our playlist and me and Mike start singing our heads off screaming the lyrics laughing madly. I chuck Mikey the food which he opens and starts eating straight away.

About an two and a half hours later Mikey starts getting suspicious and trust me I hate lying but Jack would kill me and then Andy would kill Jack and then Mikey would kill Andy and Harvey and Rye would just fuck. I breathe heavily and take the route Mikey doesn't know and he immediately assumes he was just being hopeful and forgets it which I sigh a sigh of relief at. Mikey wants to stop to go to the toilet so I grab my phone and text Andy.

B: On our way x

A: Cool, Rye and Harvey are already making out helpppp :( x

B: I'm coming angel, Mikey's just peeing x

A: Thanks for that haha, Jack said he's jealous of you getting to see Mike's ass x

B: PAHA Jack!! Right he's done we will be there in about half an hour I love you x

A: I love you more xx

I put my phone back on charge and put the music back on and head off.

Andy's P.O.V

I put my phone down smiling, everyone thinks I am innocent but god are they wrong, I have a lock on my door for a very good reason. I refuse to let Harvey into my room even though he is my best friend. What about Jack? Rye's his best friend and then Brook and Mikey are best friends. Anyways I run downstairs and tell everyone Bikey are about half an hour away and we need to set up the food and things.

"Duff" I smile tapping his shoulder.

"Fowler" He returns the smile

"I might ask Brook into my room" I blush a little

"WOW, That must be serious because you don't let anyone in their not even Harvs" He giggles

"I know" I smirk to myself

"I didn't get fricking cheesecake wow" Jack groans face palming

"Come on then we have time" I link our arms as Jack grabs his keys

We finally find a cheesecake we think is acceptable and pay for it. We are about to leave when i get a text from Brook

B: Babbeeee, can you get me and Mikey cheese twists also might be late putting a blindfold on Mikey so he doesn't know where we are xx

A: How many? And if i knew you were that kinky ;) xx

B: 2 each and you would have if you asked ;) xx

I blush

A: Woah Brook wait until you get here ;) xx

B: ;) xx

I put my phone in my pocket and we walk to buy four cheese twists and then head back home. I was so excited to see Brook again, as well as seeing Jack and Mikey reunite.

Mikey's P.O.V

Brook finally gets me out the car but refuses to let me take off the blindfold. He wraps an arm around my waist and I do the same with his neck using him as a way of not falling over. He knocks on a door and I start panicking. I hear the door swing open and people muttering whispering and giggling, I don't recognise any of the voices until I hear one very familiar voice.

"Un blindfold my boyfriend you weirdo" I pull the blindfold quickly off my face and see Jack smiling softly. I let go of Brook and grab Jacks waist pulling him into my body smashing my lips against his soft ones holding him tightly. I hear everyone else hugging around us laughing loudly and I feel at home. I finally pull away from Jack but keep him close.

"I love you baby" I blush at the pet name and hide my face in Jack's neck muttering back a simple "I love you too" before we go inside and I return myself to my spot in Jack's living room pulling him with me. Without thinking I pull Jack onto my laps so he's straddling me and kiss his nose as I hear four sets of feet creeping upstairs. I smirk softly to myself and pull Jack into my side keeping him close to my body for the rest of the day terrifying to let him go not prepared to miss him again this much

A/N Hi I'm soft for Mack sorry not sorry

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