31. One Last Cry

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No response.

Edward immediately runs toward their room and turns on the baby monitor. He sees Maymay sitting on the bed—crying, sobbing, and clutching her chest.

"Stop crying, my love." he whispers.

He immediately walks over to his chest drawer and looks for the spare key for EJ's room. "I'm sorry, my baby." he sighs. It was the part of his past he didn't want to go back to, but it's really true what people say, the truth has a way of revealing itself.

As he reaches EJ's door again, he knocks first before putting the key in, "May, my love, I'm coming in." She didn't respond, but she lifts her head and faces Edward. Her face is wet with tears, eyes are extremely red, and her nose is dripping with snot. "Oh, May..." He walks towards her, but she stops him.

"Don't..." a sob escaped her throat, "come.." another sob.."closer." She keeps crying, "Edward, don't." she cries.

Edward backs away slowly and walks out of the door.

The moment he walked out, Maymay's cries got louder. It is like it's her only way of letting the pain out. She honestly believed that the pain she experienced before was the worst, but how come she can feel her heart hurting again? She starts to punch her chest, "Stop hurting.. Stop.. Please." Her sobs turn into cries, and her cries turn to bawls. "Stop.. I can't go through this again." she sobs.

Edward left to get her a glass of water. It seems that she has been crying for a while now, and she doesn't want her to get sick or dehydrated. When he started hearing her wails, he started to run from the kitchen all the way to EJ's room with all his might, "May..." he whispers like a prayer, like an apology, and like a promise.

When he reaches EJ's room, he bridged the gap from the door to the woman he loves in a split second. This time, he didn't give her a chance to push him away. This time, he held her tightly in his arms, "Shh.. my May.. shh.. my love.. shh.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.. I'm here.. I won't leave again." he whispers. He restricts her movements so that she won't be able to punch herself. "Stop hurting yourself, please."

"Why can't I hurt myself when all you do is hurt me?" she sobs. "Edward, if this is love.. if this is your love.. I don't want it anymore." she sobs.

"No, May.. No.. don't say that. No.. I'm sorry. I'll explain.. I'll tell you everything.. Please, stay with me. Don't leave me." he pleads. His voice is begging and shaky. It sounds like he's crying.

When Maymay looks up, she's stun to see that Edward's face is also covered with tears. And her heart started aching more. "Is this love, Edward? Hurting each other? If it is, I can't do this anymore, Edward. You can go back to your other fiancée--"

"I only have one fiancée, and that's the woman I am holding right now, May. Only you" he plants his lips on her forehead, "You.." , to her temple, "own", to her eyes, "me" to her nose, "mind," to the corner of her lips, "body", and her lips, "soul and heart." He moves his lips on hers, and though she is not responding, he still moves his lips. "Kiss me, May.. please. Don't pull away. Don't.. please." he begs.

And though Maymay really wants to kiss him back, to respond to his love, she didn't. She deserves an explanation. She deserves to know the truth, all this time, she has been nothing but honest and truthful to Edward. She opened her heart and reminisced back to her past even though it killed her every time. The least Edward can do is tell her the truth.

Maymay pushes Edward's chest to stop him from kissing her. "Tell me..everything." she asks. Her eyes are begging and hoping that the truth won't hurt her, but she knows it will. She tries to mentally prepare herself, but she also knows it's not possible. "I will get hurt. I know, I will." she sighs.

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