Big News

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"KAT!!! Give me my stuff back!" I heard my best friend yell.

"Umm no thanks. I think I'll just keep your stuff you seem to not care for it since you can't catch me!" I laughed as I ran down the stairs, then into the kitchen.


"Toby use inside voices, you aren't a child. You can control the volume of your voice!"

He then found me in the kitchen, with me wearing his black and white TM hat and taking a selfie on his phone.

"You were yelling also so don't judge me."

"And what are you going to do about Toby James McDonough," I asked in a sweet child voice. I ran outside to the pool and then suddenly I was pushed into the pool. I swam up to the surface in time to hear Toby yelling, "Nooooooo!" I giggled and handed Toby his now soaked phone and hat.

I started laughing even harder when I saw Toby rapidly pushing the lock button on his phone begging for it to turn on. I then heard two more people echoing my laugh, I turned around to see the two idiot boys that Toby call his brothers.

"Alright you two had your fun so which one of you pushed me into this pool?" Both Connor and Riley turned their heads so they weren't looking at each other and pointed at each other as I sighed. "Riley you have to buy me and Toby new phones."

"What why me? It was Connor's idea to push you into pool in the first place," Riley complained.

"Alright fine then Connor buys me my phone and Riley you buy Toby's new phone."

"Yes!" I turned to see Toby doing a happy dance and singing, "I'm getting a new phone. I'm getting a new phone," over and over again. We all laughed at that sight.

I got out of the pool went into the room I have here at the McDonough house. I have my own room since I spent so much time here and they had enough space for me. My room isn't as big as the boys' rooms, but it was big enough for me to have a queen size bed, a desk, and a walk in closet. I also had my own bathroom which is nice. I quickly change into dry clothing and put my dirty blonde hair up in a wet, messy bun, then I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.

We all then hopped into Connor's car and then we drove off to the mall. We all went into the store where me and Toby picked out an iPhone 5S. Mine was gold while Toby's was silver. Connor and Riley paid for our phones while me and Toby walked around the mall.

As we were walking around the mall we bumped into a few fans who questioned if we were dating. Toby quickly denied that question which made my heart sink. Truth is I have a crush on Toby, but sadly he doesn't feel the same towards me.

After our 20 minute walk we met Connor and Toby at the store and they handed our new phones. Connor and Riley already programmed the important contacts meaning them, my parents, and their parents. My number was still the same so was Toby's and then I gave Connor and Riley a hug as a thank you.

Connor then dropped me off at home. When I walked into my house my phone started to ring. The id said 'unknown' so I picked it up anyways.


"Hello. Is this Ms. Katelyn Santana?" The man on the other line said.

"Yes this is she. May I ask who is calling?" I asked sort of scared on whats going on.

"I am Dr. Johnson from the LA Hospital and I am sorry to inform you that your father was in a terrible car accident and did not survive the accident." i stood there in plain shock.

"My father is dead?" i said hoping that I just misheard him.

"Yes I already informed your mother and she said that she is on her way home to you."

"Okay. Thank you for informing me."

"I am so sorry for your loss." I hung up the call and then ran straight to my room.

Once I got to my room I plopped down onto my bed and started crying my eyes out.

If you are wondering on why my father was in LA and my mother and I are in Orlando. It's certainly not because they are divorced. My father's work company transferred my father to LA and we didn't go with him because I beg my mother to let me stay and finish my school year here. Once I finished this school year I was supposed to move to LA but, now I guess we are moving away a lot sooner for funeral. Soon my mom walked into the room.

"Mom, Dad is dead." I said choking on my tears and then I started crying harder."

"I know baby, we are going to have to move next week so we can have the funeral." I just nodded and then my mother laid me down on my bed and then I cried myself to sleep.


A/N: this is the first chapter of this story and please comment your thoughts about this story.
Reminder for all of my future chapters:

When words are in BOLD it means that it is a flashback. But there may be rare occasions in chapters where I will tell you its a flashback.



Guess I'll Be The One (Before You Exit & Toby McDonough Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now