Girls Next Door

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Toby's POV

After the Kat's and Melissa's funeral we were all a mess. Everybody was in depression for a little while except me. I am still in depression and the funeral was three months ago.

Anyways now we have new neighbors and my mother wants Connor, Riley, and I to go welcome them to the neighborhood. Yay! (Note the sarcasm.)

We walked over to the new neighbor's house until I saw a girl with blond hair and tan skin, struggling to carry a box, so I ran over to help her. Let me just say that this is the most social thing I have ever done since the funeral.

"Here let me help you." I said as I took the box from the girl.


"OMG! Look Connor, Toby talked!" I heard Riley yell in amazement.

"Shut up." I said as I was following the girl into her house.

Once I entered the house I saw the girl I helped talking to another girl with brown hair and eye with an olive skin color

"You can place the box next to the couch" I did what the girl I helped asked. "Thank you for your help, I'm Eliana, but you can call me Eli."

"And I'm Malia, Eli's roommate/bestie, but you can call me Mali." The other girl asked.

"Well, I'm Toby and these are brothers, Riley and Connor McDonough."

"We know, we are a huge fan of Before You Exit." Eli said.

"Really? I'm surprised any of you gone crazy yet." Riley said while raising an eyebrow

They laughed and said, "Not all fans are super crazy you know." This time Mali spoke up.

"I guess so." Riley replied.

"Do you guys want to have dinner with us and our family?" Connor asked.

"Sure! We love to have dinner with you guys.

"Great! I'll run over to my house and I'll tell my mom to make extra food. Riley, Toby, you two stay here and help them unpack and stuff. I'll be back." Connor then ran out the door, closing it as he left.

"Ok then, it is 2:30 right now, what time do you guys have dinner?" Eli asks.

"Around 7," I replied.

"So that gives us five and a half hours to unpack. Seems like enough time." Mali stated. "Let's work in pairs, Riley you can help me and Toby can help Eli. Is that okay with you guys?"

"Sounds good, but what about Connor when he comes here?" I asked.

"He can pick who he wants to help when he gets here." Eli says as I nod. "Great, Toby can you start by grabbing the boxes that has my name on there. And Riley you can take the boxes labeled with Mali's name." We nodded and grabbed our girl's boxes.

I went up the stairs and I saw a hallway with five doors. How the hell am I suppose to Eli in here, its looks like those Scooby-Do chases from door to door. And I couldn't open the doors with boxes in my arms so, I did the only thing possible, "ELI!!!" I yelled in the hallway.

Eli poked her head out of the last door on my left. "Jeez, was it really necessary to yell that loud? You are 17, i think you know how to control the volume of your voice." I rolled my eyes and then went to her room.

Her room was big, the walls was light blue and has one of those white lifts thingies at the edges of the walls. And a white carpeted floor.

It has a Queen sized bed centered on the wall on the left side of the door with a light blue and brown polka dot comforter and pillows on it already.

A small, white table next to the bed with a lamp that matches the comforter and an electric alam clock. A walk in closest next to a window seat and a white desk, with a black leather rolling chair in the corner on the right of the door.

"Wow a nice room. I'm guessing your favorite color is light blue." I complimented.

"Thanks, Mali's is just like this except her's is pink and brown. And no, my favorite color is midnight blue, i just wanted a light colored room. And you might want to put the boxes down before you kill your arms." Eli replied.

I looked down at my arms and they were shaking from the weight and said, "Oh yeah, I should do that." She laughs silently. "Are you laughing at me?" Eli shakes her head as a way to say no, but then smiles and then laughs again.

I crossed my arms pouting. "Toby, don't do that I can't resist that look." She covers her eyes.

"You can uncover your eyes now, I stopped doing it." I said un-pouting.

She removed her hands from her eyes and said, "Thank goodness, if you kept at it any longer I would have to bribe you to stop." She smiled. Dang it.

We kept on unpacking until I came upon a small wooden box. It was locked, so I showed it to Eli. "What's in here?"

Eli looked at the box and quickly snatched it from me. "This is private. I'll tell you when I want to, got it?" she snapped.

I put my hands in arrest, "Sorry, just curious."

"Yeah, well curiosity killed the cat." she snapped again. I nodded slowly and went back to unpacking. She put the box under her bed and sighed. "Toby, I'm sorry for snapping at you."

I faced her, "It's okay, I get it. We only met today and you don't trust me yet." I turned around because I felt myself starting to smirk.

"No it's- wait, you are doing this on purpose! You are trying to guilt trip me into telling you what's in the box aren't you?" Dammit, she found out my plan.

"What gave me away?"

"You telling me." I gave her a confused look. "I didn't actually know you were guilt tripping me, I just said that because I didn't want to give you clues about the things in the box by mistake."

Connor then walked in to the room, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"To dinner. It's seven already." Connor replied. I looked over to her clock and it read 7:00 PM.

"Alright let's go." And with that we left for dinner.


A/N: Sorry for a crappy chapter.

I'm still excited from meeting BEFORE YOU EXIT! I went to their free concert and they were so good and funny. I also went to their Meet & Greet where Connor complimented on this drawing of their logo I had them sign and I got hugs from them to! It was one of the best days of my life!😆😆 You can see the drawing on the profile as one of the pics of my background.

The next chapter will be about getting to know Eli and Mali.


Before You Exit (see what I did there😏) this story remember to vote!👍


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