Telling Riley

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Riley's POV

"No that's impossible. I'm dreaming or hallucinating. I'm going crazy, K's death is making me crazy. I knew it was weird that Toby was the only one depressed for a while. I KNEW IT! ELI SEND ME TO A DAMN MENTAL HOSPITAL! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!" I was spinning around in circles, hold my heading and yelling out crazy stuff.

"Riley calm the hell down!" I heard Mali yell at me.

Then either Eli or K' walked up to me and hugged me, but I didn't hug back. While Mali closed the door which for some reason I didn't close when I walked in. Eli/K' looked up at me and said:

"Hey Rhino, its really me, I'm back." I stared wide eyed remembering K's nickname that she would sometimes call us.

I was Rhino, Connor was Condor, and Toby was Toucan. She called it because of the name sounds similarities. But for Toby, it was because we could find any animal names that was close to his name so we just picked Toucan. And when she called us those names we called her Kitty Kat. We only say these name when we are not in public so it is impossible for somebody to know the nicknames, we didn't even say it in front of Thomas, or Braiden.

"Just one more question, if you answer this question correctly then I'll believe you. Who was K's first kiss and how did it happen?"

"Ri that's two questions though." Eli/maybe K said.

"Just answer the questions."

Eli/K's POV

"Just answer the questions."


We were just sitting in the McDonough basement watching TV until Connor shutdown the TV.

"Hey!!" Everybody yelled simultaneously.

"What I got bored." Connor said back to us.

"Alright fine, what do you want to do then?" Thomas asked.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!"

"I'm going now since I don't like it when we play Truth or dare. See Ya!" Thomas said as he walked up the stairs.

"Wimp!" I yelled out to Thomas. "Alright who is going first?"

"'I will!" Riley volunteered. "Connor truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss K'" Riley smirked, while the rest of us raised our eyebrows. "You heard me do it."

"Riley can I talk to you in that corner?" Toby said, ready to grab Riley's arm and drag him.

"Fine, but you two can't do it until we come back." Riley said as he stood up and walked with Toby to the corner.

Connor leaned into my ear and whispered, "Let's mess with them for doing this dare." I looked at him at realized what he meant so I agreed.

They came back and Ri said, "Do it."

Connor and I both leaned in until our lips met and soon we were doing a full- on make-out session in front of them.

"OH MY GOD! Stop it." I heard Toby say while he pulled us apart and dragged us to opposite sides if the room.

"No!! I need Connie now!" I screamed.

"And I need Katie now!" Connor screamed.

"NO!" Both Riley and Toby yelled.

Me and Connor looked at each other and shrugged, "Ok." Then we lay down on the floor and pulled out our phones and did random stuff on it. We looked up from our phones and saw Toby's and Riley's confused faces. I took a picture of Toby's face while Connor took a picture of Riley's.

Then we started bursting out in laughter and then we explained to them what happened." Then we decided to watch Peter Pan because Connor begged to watch it.

~End of Flashback.

"Do you believe me now Rhino?" He nodded and pulled me into a giant hug and said:

"I missed you K'."


Sorry that the truth or dare part sucked, I'll try to revise it later.

Please VOTE for the story or COMMENT any ideas you have!



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