👶 T W E N T Y - S I X

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Chapter Twenty-Six: "R"

Baby Girl's POV

"ARE YOU GUYS READY?" I ask closing the door to the car. Both of the twins unhappily look at me.

I sigh and roll my eyes. Would they ever get along?

"Let's go." I start walking towards the building, and the two trot quietly behind me.

We enter the doors of the office. I hand Grayson my bag and talk to the lady at the desk. She gives me a clipboard full of papers, and I fill them out. Usually I would do this kind of thing with my mother, but she had an important business meeting today.

I thought that it would be a good idea to bring both twins along. I wanted them to stop acting so bitter towards each other. My heart was with Grayson, but I stilled cared for Ethan too.

"So we're learning the gender today?" Ethan asks.

"That's the plan," I say continuing to fill out the papers.

"Did I forget to mention I hate long doctor office waits?" Grayson adds.

"We're probably only going to wait twenty minutes before going back."

"Good because I'm hungry," Ethan says rubbing his stomach.

"You just ate," Grayson and I scream at the same time.

"What? I have a big appetite, and to be fair that was almost three and a half hours ago."

I huff and stand up to hand the clipboard back to the desk attendant. She smiles and takes the papers elsewhere.

I was more than ready for this baby to be born. So far I was six going on seven months. My feet were killing me, and I had nonstop headaches.

"My bet is that it's a boy," Ethan guesses.

"Nah. It's a girl, for sure," Grayson grins. I doubted that he actually believed that. He was probably just trying to make an argument.

"I say that we just wait and see."

That made them both be quiet.

It felt like I was dealing children already. They only talked to each other whenever they disagreed or needed something from each other. I started to feel guilty. The twins used to be so close, and I had come between them. I didn't want to keep feeling this way. I wished that they would just make up and become friends again.

My phone irritably buzzes throughout my purse. I dig through the mess and find it after about three minutes later. Whoever was calling had hung up before then.

I look at my screen, and I was surprised at what I saw. Perri had been texting and calling me all night and day.

"How did I not see this?" I ask aloud.

"See what?" Grayson asks looking over my shoulder.

"Perri's been calling nonstop," I answer.

I open my phone and pull up her text.

Perri : Jade answer your phone! I need you! (12:35)

Perri: Jade!!!! It's Max. Answer me.

Perri : I called you seven times. Is everything okay??

There were tons more from her.
I reply back.

Me: I'm sorry. I'm at the Obgyn. What's up with Max?

My phone rings, and I slide to answer.

Baby Girl //Dolan Twins |✅Where stories live. Discover now