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Chapter Twenty: "The New Addiction"

Ethan's POV

I LOOK AT GRAYSON. "So now you know."

"Yeah. Now I do," was his response.

"I can't believe this. We both slept with her."

"Well to be fair, I liked her way before you ever did," Grayson claims  as he digs through a pile of shirts, which I was sure were mine.

Dude, that's not true. I've liked her since sophomore year," I admit.

"I've liked her since freshman year." He stickd his tongue out and makes a joking noise. I shake my head in dissapointment. It was no use in trying to make my brother realize the error in his actions. He would always be this immature, and to a degree, I would too. It was nice having him back home, but all he talked about was Baby Girl. It was as if he were trying to rub it in my face.

"Dude! Can you please just do me this one thing!? Just back off Baby Girl. You always do this. Everytime I like a girl, you get involved. Just stop!" I plead.

He finally slides on a black tee. I momentarily ignored the fact that it really is mine and continue on with the conversation.

"I'm too in this now bro. I love her" Grayson says.

I felt like punching a wall. My own brother was interfering with my love life. Again. Love really is a battlefield, and right now I'm losing.

"You know what, why do I even try?" I question as I get up to walk out of the room.

There was no response, and I didn't mind that. My brother could be difficult sometimes, and I had no way of correcting him. He had a habit of going after every girl I ever took interest in; Melanie and Baby girl among the two. I didn't too much care about Melanie anymore. I had gotten sick of her the second I saw her interest in Grayson. Baby Girl for some reason, I couldn't let go.

Grayson walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge.

"So we're just not going to talk about this?"

"No. You win dude," I huff, giving up.

He huffs too, "If she really means that much to you, how about we just let her choose?"

It sounded like a good idea, but I knew that somewhere along the line there was a catch. Grayson could never let go. Baby Girl had already clearly stated that she preferred him over me, but I wasn't going to give up so easily.

"Nah. You should just back off."

"No, Ethan I'm not doing anything," Grayson states before biting into an apple. "I love you bro, but that's just not happening. She's my girl, and I want her."

My face was probably red hot by now. Why couldn't he just leave her alone? I had never messed with any girl that he was interested in before, so why was he interfering with my love life?

"I'm not doing this right now," I announce before grabbing my keys. I shake my head at him. "She's not your girl, and she'll never be."

He shrugs and I walk out the door. I get into my car and send Lars a text that I was coming over.

Lars: Sorry dude Becca and I are on the way to her parents.

I put my face into my palm. Was there anyone that I knew not obsessing over a girl right now? I strongly doubted it, and only because I myself were obsessing too.

"Damnit," I curse. "Is there nothing to do around here!?"

My phone lights up. On the screen was a call from an unknown number. I pick up anyway.

Baby Girl //Dolan Twins |✅Where stories live. Discover now