Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.  

    I looked up to see big green eyes looking at me. Connor.  "Connor?" I was excited, but I didn't want to be. I just stood still in shock.  He engulfed me in a hug. I didn't hug back.

    "Hey, are you okay?" Reality finally set in. I wrapped my arms around him.

    "I just thought I would never see you again." I whispered into his ear. A smile swept across his face. I noticed the other boys with him. They looked confused.

    "Oh yeah, um Kara this is Ricky, JC, and Kian." I knew they looked familiar.  These were some of the boys from Connor's collab. channel.  I held out my hand which they refused to shake and hugged me instead.  I think they finally realized I was still splattered with coffee.

    "Hey, do you wanna come to the house and clean yourself up?" Ricky asked.

    "I guess so. But we kind of don't have a car."

    " Neither do we.  Kian and I rode on our penny boards and Ricky and Connor walked." JC replied.  I hesitated for a second but then I nodded yes. I haven't seen his house yet so why not see it now?  I looked back at Hannah and she wasn't looking at me. She was looking admiringly at Kian.  Okay?  Maybe Hannah liked him? Yep. I knew that look.  I think Connor noticed too, because he was smiling at Kian.  I finally broke the silence.

    "Um do you want to go or. . ." He woke from his trance.

    " Yeah we should probably walk home.  Just, Hannah follow Kian, and Kara you can follow me." He grabbed my small hand and held in his large one. I didn't pull away. I just looked at him. He shrugged. "I don't want to lose you. Again." He smiled at me, and I smiled at him.  We left Starbucks, and for the first time in forever, I was happy.  We walked for about eight minutes until we came to a large house. Connor stopped and pulled out a pair of keys.

    "Wait. Connor, this is your house?" He nodded looking as proud as ever.  "It's um, big. Like, really big." He nodded again.  He opened the door and pulled me inside. "Wow." A look of awe was plastered on my face.  He showed me each and every room. Ricky's room, JC's room, Kian's room, and his room. Along with the kitchen, living room, and guest rooms. The last stop was his bathroom. I grabbed a sweatshirt and shorts from my suite case.

    I wasn't going to take a shower but he insisted. I hopped in  and washed my scars. I did my best not to sing but, of course, I ended up belting out so many songs I couldn't even count. After I washed my hair with Connor's shampoo, I walked out to find my clothes gone. In their place, sat a pair of boy's basketball shorts and a Frantastic Monday Tee. On top was a note.


    Your clothes are back in your suit case. I thought you might want to wear these again, for old time sakes.


I didn't want to wear Connor's clothes but I didn't really have a choice now.  When I came out of the bathroom Connor was on the couch watching TV. He patted the spot next to him and I went to sit down.  He looked at me up and down  then smiled.

    "You look just like you did the day I left. But a lot less confused." He asked me so many questions. If I had gotten a boyfriend since he left, if I made any new friends? I simply answered this with no.  

    "Okay well how has school been going?" I shrugged.

    "Not great. I kind of miss class. A lot. Just cause I spend a little too long of a time 'thinking' in the morning." He looked confused now. "Nevermind it's nothing."

    "Well I just have one more question." I nodded. "Are you still ticklish?!" He yelled as he lunged towards me. He tickled my stomach as I laughed.

"Connor st-st-stop!" I stuttered between laughs. He tickled me hard enough for my shirt to slip up to my chest. My cuts were revealed and Connor stopped.

"Kara, what the hell are these?" he whispered just loud enough for me to hear. JC's head peeked out of the doorway.

"I'll tell you just not here." He took my hand and brought me to his room. He shut the door behind him.

"I'm going to ask one more time. What the hell are those?" He said pointing at my sides.

"Their cuts." I said, my words jumbling together. With everything I said I looked at the ground. I couldn't look him in the eyes, not now.  

"Are there anymore?" I nodded. "I want to see them." He said everything calmly. I pulled up my sleeves and turned over my wrist to reveal a mix of different length scars.  He lightly ran his finger over each one. When I looked up to see tears in his eyes.  

"Why Kara? When? I just don't understand."

"It didn't start until you left. When you weren't with me I just felt like I had nothing and no one to  live for." His almost always happy face was now stained with tears as he held me in his arms.

"I am so sorry Kara." He said in between sobs. He pulled me closer and whispered into .my ear. "But now you know I was telling the truth. That it wasn't goodbye, it was see you later. Now I can say that I told you so." I silently wept into his chest and felt loved. I was so comfortable in fact, that I fell asleep just like that, in Connor's arms.

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