Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


My mind went to a blank for a moment. What did he mean by gone?  “Don’t worry, he’s not dead, just not here.  I can assure you Ricky knows where he is though.” I nodded. I pulled my foot up each stair and walked through the hallway until I got to Ricky’s room.  I softly knocked on the door.

“Ricky? Can I come in?”

“Yeah sure. The doors open.”  When I opened the door, Ricky was in a chair, sitting by his rabbit.  “What’s up Kara?” He asked as I sat down on the floor next to him.

“Connor ran off.  I don’t know where he is but Kian said you would know. Do you?”

“Yes. But I hope you won’t mind a 15 minute car ride.”  He got up out of his chair to go downstairs and I followed.  He grabbed Kian’s keys of the counter and got in the car. I opened the door and hopped in.

“So, where is he?” I asked.

“More than likely at the grove. On the roof of one of the buildings.”  I’ve never seen the grove in person, just in photos.  We drove in an awkward silence until we stopped in a lot.  “This is the place.  I wouldn’t want to disturb you and Connor, so he will be on top of that building.” He pointed to one closest to the car.  It looked like the tallest building in the grove.  I slowly approached gripping the ladder that led to the top in my little fingers.  I climbed up each rung until I reached the top.  To tell the truth it felt like I was in Divergent. So in other words, it was amazing!  When I stepped my feet onto the roof my eyes wandered to find an upset looking Connor sitting in a lawnchair.

“Um Connor?  Are you okay?” He looked up at me surprised.

“Kara? How did you know I would be here?”

“I didn’t. Ricky did.”  He looked at me, as if shocked that Ricky had ratted out his where abouts.

“Listen Kara. I left a year ago to live with the boys, but I also left because one year ago, I started developing feelings for you.  You were beginning to be less like a sister and more like a girlfriend.  I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but I felt like if I told you that I loved you, it would hurt you just as much as if I left. I realize now that I was wrong and when I saw you like that by JC’s car in the moonlight, I couldn’t help myself. I understand if you want to go back to Minnesota early now but it’s just that. . .” I cut him off by pushing my lips to his. I pulled back to see his shocked face.

“It’s okay Connor. I didn’t say that I didn’t like it.” He smiled. He reached over to hold my hand and I didn’t stop him. “Connor can I tell you something?”

“As long as I can tell you something right afterwards.”

“How about we say it at the same time.” He nodded and we started to count down from three together.

“3, 2, 1.  I love you.” We both said in unison. I smiled at his happiness. Why did it take me so long to realize how beautiful his eyes were? I didn’t care.The only thing that mattered is that we were together.

“Come on Con. Ricky’s waiting in the parking lot.” He nodded and we climbed back down the ladder. We both got into the car grinning.

“What happened back there?” Ricky questioned.

“We’ll tell you later.” Connor replied.

When we got back to the house I scrubbed the makeup off my face and lied down on Connor’s bed. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep before he even came in the room.


I grabbed a note from Connor off the counter..


I shouldn’t have said that I love you because lying isn’t right.  I left today, but don’t look for me, this time I’m really gone.


The note was slightly stained with blood. Tears streamed down my face as I let out a blood curdling scream.  I sat on the floor and began to shake.  I could still hear Connor’s voice.  “Kara! Wake up! Please Kara! Please wake up!” Wait. What?

*End of Dream*

My hair was matted down with sweat. When I opened up my eyes, Connor was standing over me, shaking me.

“What happened?”  He asked me. My body racked with sobs.

“I saw another note on the counter, an-nnd it was from you, telling me you didn't love me.  Then, you left me again.” I threw my head over his shoulder. He rubbed my back as I drew circles on the back of his with my finger.

“I promise, I will never leave you. Never again.”

I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now