Chapter 10

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The Unthinkable

chapter 10

It was a normal Tuesday morning routine. Wake up, brush my hair, and go to Connor’s room to wake him up.  One and two were checked off my list, so I just had to wake up Connor. When I opened up his door he was no where to be seen. I’m not one of those over protective  girlfriends who needed to know what was happening  all the time, so I didn’t panic. I just put on a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt and went on a walk at the park across from the house.  I put my headphones in and turned on ‘Alone Together’ by Fall Out Boy (A/N: IDK it’s my favorite song right now kk) and walked around the park. I saw a couple sitting on a bench kissing. Love is so cute. I didn’t mind PDA until I saw who it was.

“C-cconnor?” I stuttered out barely being able to speak. He looked up from his make out session and looked at me up and down.

“Kara, let me explain.” The girl was smiling. What a bitch.  I didn’t want to hear his reason. I turned to run but he grabbed my wrist.

“NO CONNOR! You told me you loved me, you said you didn’t love anyone but me. This,” I said pointing at the girl,“this is not me! I’m going and you're not coming after me. Good bye Connor.” I started to run from him. I ran towards the only place I could think of hiding. The beach. I knew he would be following me but I didn’t care anymore. I ran out on to the dock. I sat down to catch my breath. Then I heard him.

“Kara!  Please, wait!” I didn’t want him anymore and he obviously didn’t want me. So with tears running down my cheeks, I did the only thing I could think to do.


I let myself fall feeling a sharp pain in my head. But I didn’t struggle I just let the darkness engulf me as my vision went black.

Connor’s POV (Point of view exciting isn’t it!?)

    I woke up earlier than I usually do which is about 11:00 unless my Kara bear woke up. It was around 8:00 when my brain decided ‘Connor, you and your old friend physical activity haven’t hung out in a while, why don’t you go see him?’  Oh brain, you just have the craziest ideas sometimes! But as stupid as my brain is sometimes, I trust it so I decided to put on some workout clothes (A/N I don’t know what Connor wears when he works out! I usually only see him in his sexy regular clothes!) and walked downstairs. I thought Kara might be over the whole note thing after what happened in Minnesota.  So I just left to walk around at the park for a while and I would text K later. While tying my shoe I felt a tap on my back. I looked up to see a girl smiling ear to ear and shaking like a chihuahua. A fan. I stood up and smiled back.

    “Your Connor Franta.” She stuttered as i nodded. “OMG! I’m your biggest fan can I please have your autograph!”

    “Sure why not! Come here.” I sat down on a nearby bench and took a pen out of my pocket to sign a piece of paper for her. She babbled like a crazy person until she looked out to the distance for around two seconds before grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and smashing her lips onto mine. I think she thought it was kissing when really, it was more of a face battle.  I guess I just let her at it for a while not moving at all with my eyes wide open. Until I heard a quiet little voice that sounded like they were on the verge of crying.

    “C-connor?” She stuttered out. Kara.

    “Kara, let me explain.” That sounded really cliche but I wasn’t going to say nothing. She turned away from me but I grabbed her wrist. She responded immediately.

    “NO CONNOR! You told me you loved me, you said you didn’t love anyone but me! This,” She yelled out pointing at the now evilly smiling girl. “this is not me.  I’m going and you are not coming after me. Good bye Connor.” She turned and started running. Tears started to form in my eyes as I ran after her. God she’s fast. I heard someone running after me. At first I thought it was the girl put it was Jc.

    “Connor wait!” I didn’t wait. I ran I wasn’t going to let her slip away so easy. I would miss her if she went back to Minnesota. I followed her down to the beach where she stopped to catch her breath at the end of a dock.

    “Kara wait please!” I yelled to her. What happened next I would never expect. She jumped. She didn’t go straight down she smashed her head on the side of the dock as she fell.  I knew how to save her. But I couldn’t move. I just fell to my knees and stared out at the place Kara sat just moments ago. The rest of O2L was now crowded around me all screaming for Kara. Trevor pulled out his phone and called 911.

    “Hello yes operator, our friend just jumped out into the ocean and she hasn’t come out.” He sounded panicked which would be expected. He listed off the location and got off of his phone. “Guys we can’t just let her drown someone has to get her!” Yet still I just sat there. Ricky pulled off his shirt (A/N Woah calm down. that got graphic) and jumped in after her. He came back out moments later with Kara’s lifeless looking body with her blonde hair matted down with water and blood against her now pale skin and blue lips. He sat down next to her shaking her.

    “Wake up Kara! You have to wake up please don’t do this! Connor needs you!” The ambulance arrived and pulled Ricky off of her as he screamed and put her on a stretcher. They loaded her in and drove away. Sam came behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

    “It’s gonna be okay Connor everything will work out.” I pushed his hand off of me and looked up at him.

    “Sam, it’s not okay. This is my fault. She’s probably gonna die now and all I did was sit here and let her fall until she hit the bottom and was never seen again. I don’t deserve her Sam. Just leave me alone.” I got up and walked back to the house and sat on the couch. I curled my knees up to my chin and put my head in my hands and balled. I balled and balled until I couldn’t anymore. And when I was done I put my head to the pillow as closed my eyes. As I fell asleep I prayed that I wouldn’t wake up in the morning if Kara went be right there beside me.

I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now