Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I had been in L.A. for exactly a week and Connor and It's time together was running out. Soon enough, I would be back in Minnesota, slicing up my wrists again. I wouldn’t want to but who could stop me. I woke up treading the day, the day I would have to go home. I awoke in Connor’s arms his cute little snore making me want to smile when all I could think of doing was crying. His eyes fluttered open and looked down at me.

“Morning babe. You know what day it is?”

“Yeah the day I go back to Minne.”

“Yep.” I went to get up but he stopped me. “Here let me.” He picked me up bridal style and carried me down the hall. He stopped at a room I had never been in. “I want to show you something.” He opened the door to a room with a bed and dresser. He set me down on the bed where I found a small little sign that read, ‘Welcome home K’ my heart stopped.

“ Wait, what?”

“I called your parents, and set up online college courses. Kara, you’re staying here in Cali.” my heart must have beat out of my chest. I stood up, wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him as tight as possible.

“Connor, I love you so much! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”

“Okay you’re hurting me now.”

“Sorry. This is the sweetest thing ever!”

“I thought you might love it.”

“ I love you Connor.” I mumbled softly into his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

“I love you too Kara. Only you no one else. You can trust me.”

I continued to live with the boys for about two weeks. I thought everything would last for ever and be perfect, until, the unthinkable happened.

I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now