Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    I woke up in Connor’s bedroom. Without Connor. Well that’s weird. I checked my phone for the time. 5:00. PM. How the hell did I sleep through the whole day? It didn’t matter, I just needed to find Connor. But you know, I’m lazy so I just called him on his phone. He answered the phone after the first ring.

    “Yellow? Kitty?” He was so weird.

    “Connor? Where are you?”

    “Downstairs. But don’t come down yet, we have a surprise for you. You know to make you feel better.”

    “So what am I supposed to do?”

    “Get ready for something like, hmm, I don’t know a party?”

    “Wow Connor. I have absolutely no idea what it is.”

    “I’ll come and get you when we’re ready. Are you going to be in your bedroom/bathroom?”

    “Yes. Goodbye Connor.”

    “Goodbye child.” What is wrong with my boyfriend? I won’t question him. I got out of his bed and walked over to my bathroom. When I opened the shower, there was no longer blood on the ground. Connor must have washed it out. I got in and washed out my hair which was full of knots.  I squirt some shampoo into my hands. Mmm, strawberries. I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my chest and ran to my bedroom. Hmmm,what do I wear to parties?  I searched through my closet for something beautiful. Not slutty, just beautiful. I decided on a black butterfly shirt  that says ‘One love’ in white letters, a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and a pair of military green pumps. I looked at myself in the mirror. It was perfect not something I usually thought when I still had my glasses on. It wasn’t complete yet. I needed to do my makeup. So again I went to my bathroom and opened up my drawer. I looked at the place where my razors usually are. They were gone. Connor must have taken them. I love him to death but I can take care of myself. I grabbed out my contacts and makeup bag. Off with the glasses, in with the contacts. Now I can see! I put on some concealer and foundation with a light peach blush. I did a cat eye liner with purple eye shadow and mascara. Lastly, I put on my red lipstick because lets be honest, that stuff makes girls look sexier than Josh Hutcherson in a trench coat in the second scene of Catching Fire. But then of course I needed accessories. So I put in red feather earrings in my main piercing and some crystal studs in my cartilage. Then I put on my best friend necklace from Connor. No he doesn’t wear the other side in a necklace he has the other side on his key chain. I looked presentable, I guess. I decided I’d just go to my bedroom. I checked the clock. 6:30. Connor still hadn’t come to get me yet. It wasn’t until 7:00 that someone knocked on my door.

    “Hey Kara. You ready?”

    “Yeah Connor.” Hey opened the door. He was wearing a button up (all unbuttoned, of course) and a pair of khakis. Now he looked sexier than Josh Hutcherson in a trench coat. When he looked at me his jaw dropped open.

    “You look absolutely beautiful.” He said kissing my forehead.

    “Thanks Con.”

    “Follow me Kara! We have rubber sacks of breath downstairs!”


    “Balloons, Kara. Balloons.”  There is something seriously wrong with him.  He held out his hand and I took it.  We walked to the bottom of the stairs then stopped. I could see all the boys in the kitchen. What were they doing?

    “So Im guessing we’re going to walk in there everyones going to jump up and be like ‘SURPRISE!’ am I right?”

    “Kara you know me to well.”

    “No I just know you’re a hopeless romantic, and  a surprise party is so cliche. I propose something different.”

    “Oh do you now?”

    “Yep.” I said popping the P. “I say we walk in behind them, and scare the living crap out of them.”

    “Theres the Kara that I fell in love with. Curious,  Mischievous, and funny as hell.” He told me kissing my forehead. With my fingers still intertwined with his, we tip toed around through the living room and behind the boys. Just as I was going to scream as loud as I could, Connor screamed “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARA!!!!!!” That little bastard scared me. Wait it was June 6th(A/N: If you recognize this date I love you). It was my birthday.

    “I completely forgot!” I yelled out.

    “You forgot about your birthday?” Kian looked at me in disbelief.

    “I would have remembered last week but I was a little busy being in a coma.” I laughed.

    “That’s a pretty good excuse. I think I’m gonna use that!” Sam said. I rolled my eyes and gave the boys a group hug.

    “Well thank you for remembering guys.” I looked over to the counter to see something I didn’t expect. Alcohol. I think Ricky saw me eyeing it because he spoke up.

    “Don’t worry Kara. We drink safe. Plus, did you really think we were going to let you get past your 21st birthday without having alcohol? It’s not illegal anymore.” He was right. I was only going to have one 21st birthday.  Connor handed me a cold can of what I assumed was beer.

    “Here have this. But, I want you to be careful. When I tell you to stop, it would be a good idea to stop.” I was hoping not to get to intoxicated, but what did I know? The night had only just begun.

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