Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    I was still in the hospital on basically suicide watch. I only ate sandwiches so I wasn’t in possession of a knife. They say it’s just in case, but I think they’re positive that if I have the chance i’ll end it. The sad thing is they’re right.  Connor came in during the day to see me and hang out and Ricky came at night to discuss what happened previously and how long it had been happening.

“So, wait. You’re telling me that you’ve liked me since I came to Cali?”

“Yep. Connor always talked about how funny, smart, and beautiful you are, but he didn’t say you could make Jennifer Lawrence seem like a troll.”

“Woah, Ricky! But JLaw is your girl!”

“And you’re Connors girl. Unfortunately. But you make each other happy. And I don’t want to end your happiness.”  A frown appeared on his face. I put a hand on his knee.

“Ricky. You make me happy too.  Don’t you ever think otherwise. Or I just might push you of a dock.” Ricky looked at me with a blank look on his face. “What? To soon?”

“It will never be funny Kara. We almost lost you. And I can’t imagine what we would have done without you.”

“I didn’t think it would be that hard to forget the little college girl from Minnesota.”

“Well you thought wrong. I would basically quit youtube. Trevor wouldn’t have a ride. Jc wouldn’t have someone who never threatened to kill Wishbone, Sam wouldn’t have a party buddy, and Kian won’t have a girl to do the crab face with. And Connor would want to come with.”

“Ricky, what do you mean come with?”

“Before you woke up he told me about how he would never be able to live with his self if you died because it was all his fault. So he told me if your heart stopped he would end all of this once and for all. He also told me to find somewhere where you could be together. He told me he wanted in open casket so everyone could see the smile on  his face because he would get to see you again. He asked to be buried next to you and to leave yellow lilies on your grave because he knows there your favorite. Then he left the room in tears.  The boys and I were terrified that he tried that night he left but when we came home, he was just sitting in his bedroom punching his pillow and screaming. I’m just so worried about him.”

“Ricky, I don’t think there can be an us.  Even in secret. I can’t hurt Connor. knowing that he would rather die than live without me. I’m sor…” He stopped me by pecking my lips softly.

“It’s okay. I can always be like your sexy older brother. And if Connor ever hurts you just come to me. I’ll protect you like a security guard.”

I giggled. “I’ll see you tomorrow Richard Dillon.”

“Good bye Kara Clare.”

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