Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    Connor insisted we didn’t go to a hotel, instead we stayed with the boys. Yeah, It was kind of awkward, but I’ve stayed at Con’s dorm before. So I stayed in Connor’s room and Hannah stayed in. . . Kian’s room!? Nope, the guest room.


    I woke up in Connor’s bedroom. I got out of bed and walked over to my suitcase to get dressed. On top I found a note. Not this again.


Try to wear clothes for warm weather, I have a surprise for you.


    I grabbed out a pair of white shorts and a blue tee.  My scars plainly showed on my wrists.  I could use concealer to cover them up, so I went to wake up Hannah to borrow some. I walked into the guest room and poked Hannah’s face.

    “Hannah!” I yell-whispered. “Do you have any concealer?!” She turned over and nodded.

    “It’s in my purse. Your lucky we have the same skin tone.” I grabbed her makeup bag out of her purse and ran over to Connor’s bathroom. I decided it was about time I wore make up again. I wasn’t great at matching colors, but I tried my best. After I was done with my face, took out Hannah’s concealer. I pulled a sponge out of the bag and applied the makeup to my wrist. It was covered up quite believably. I brushed out my frizzy hair and threw on a beanie.  I walked down the steps to the kitchen. When I walked in, Connor whistled.

“Well hello, kitten.” He was crazy. I walked over to him and slapped him on his arm.

“Shut up Con da Bon.” He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes.  “So, what’s the big old surprise you were talking about?”

“Oh yeah, that. I’m taking you down to the Santa Monica pier. Let’s just say, there are rides, food, and water that is not from a great lake.” I loved the water. And I loved food. But rides aren’t really my thing. He saw my hesitation to the word “Rides”. Connor was a dare devil. If I asked him to jump off of a building, he probably would.  “Oh, yeah. You’re afraid of hights. We don’t have to go if you don’t want,” I stopped him.

“No I’ll go. It’ll be fine.” I told him. I already had make up on, I might as well go out.

He walked out the door, and I followed.  We borrowed JC’s car and drove off to the pier.  It was around 10:00 which I guess is early for the people of Cali, so no one was really there.  It was beautiful.  The California sun had barely risen over the horizon, so I still got to see the sun rise.  Connor pulled me over to a booth where they gave us ride cards.  I managed to drag him away from all the rides to go walk by the ocean. We sat in the sand talking about when we were little.

“You remember that one time, when we thought if we hid in your treehouse,  your mom wouldn't find us,

and she could plainly see us, but we stayed out there for like two hours until she called us for dinner?” I nodded laughing.

“I do remember the time you made me do that” He looked at me with a fake offended look on his face as I weakly slapped him on his arm.  He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me back up by the pier.  It was around noon now and Connor does not miss lunch. Ever.  We approached a stand selling corn dogs.  Corn dogs were my favorite.

“Two corn dogs please.” He asked the man in the stand. The man nodded and grabbed two corn dogs. I pulled my purse out to pay, but Connor pushed my hand away.  “Kara, I left you for a year.  The least I can do is pay for a $2.00 corn dog.” I laughed and pulled the strap of my purse back on my shoulder. He payed for the corn dogs and handed me mine.  “Here you go. Your favorite.”

“Connor, how did you remember?”

“Did you think I would forget? It might have been a year but I still remember that your favorite food is a corn dog.”  I smiled, happy that I finally had my best friend back.

For most of the day, I sat on benches and took Instagram photos and Connor went on rollercoasters.  I have always been afraid of heights, but Connor on the other hand, well he will jump of a bridge. And did once (bungee jumping).  After hours, it became dark. It was around 9:00 PM and Connor plopped down beside me.

“I’m not letting you leave until you go on something.” He crossed his arms. My eyes widened. He saw my fear.  “Don’t worry, it’s nothing big.  Just the ferris wheel.”  I nodded slowly as he grabbed my hand in his and pulled me towards the ferris wheel.  Connor handed the man in the booth our ride passes.  We sat down in one of the cars and I began to shake.  I squeezed his hand tighter each time the wheel stopped to let another couple into the cars.  He leaned over and whispered into my ear.  “It’s okay. I know it might be scary, but just open your eyes. The view is beautiful.  Just think of the instagram.”  I opened my eyes to see we were at the top of the ferris wheel. My heart stopped for a second. Then I saw the ocean. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen with all the lights from the pier reflecting in the water.  I looked over to see Connor looking straight at me. Before I knew it, we were back on the ground again. We walked back to the parking lot and stopped in front of the car.

“Thank you Connor. For making me go on the ferris wheel. It was beautiful.” I said looking at my feet.  When I looked back up Connor was inches away from my face.  Before I could say anything to protest, Connor meshed his lips to mine.  I had only  kissed him a few times before, as dares, but the way he kissed me, made it seem like I have a million times.  He pulled away noticing how much shock I was in and how I said nothing.  The next thing I knew, Connor was running down the street back to the house. With the keys to JC’s car.  I sighed and pulled out my phone, calling the only person I knew in LA that had a car.

“Hello Kian?”

“Kara?  Where are you and Connor?”  I sighed into the phone.

“Something happened. He just ran off with the keys to JC’s car. Could you do me a favor and pick me up?”

“Sure. I’ll be there in a minute.” He hung up and within, two minutes he pulled up to me in the parking lot.  “Hop in and tell me what happened.” I sat down in the front seat and told Kian everything. When I was done we were already back at the house.  “I don’t know what to say Kara. I would just ask next time you see him.” I nodded. When we walked inside, Kian called for Connor. No answer. I began to search everywhere until Kian came up behind me.  “Kara? Connors gone.” My jaw dropped. He left me again.

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