Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

My fingers intertwined with his. Perfect.  The only problem was the way what happened last night haunted me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Connor snoring loud as ever.  I poke his face. “Connor!” I yell-whisper. He tiredly blinked away the sleep from his eyes.

“Morning Sunshine.” I smiled. I think he smiled, but I couldn’t really see because I didn’t have my glasses on. “Well don’t you look beautiful this Monday morning.” He said sarcastically.

“Shut up. I’m sure you look worse, but I’m not really sure because I can’t see.”  He realized I didn’t have my glasses on and grabbed them from the bedside table. He set them on the very end of my nose and I pushed them up with one finger. “Wait, Monday?  Connor, you need to put up video’s today!” I couldn’t help but to be concerned. If he didn’t get his main channel and O2L video’s up, his fan’s would eat him alive.

“I know Kara, I’m not going to forget.  But as long as I have to film, do you want to be in the video’s with me?”  In his whole “career” as a youtuber, I had only been in a few of his video’s other than vlogs. I nodded.

“Why not? Just let me get dressed and do my hair.”

“I wouldn’t do your hair to nicely. With what we’re doing, it will get messed up easily.”

“Oh God.”  I grabbed some clothes from my suitcase and walked to Connor’s bathroom.  I slipped on a pair of black leggings and a lime green tank.  I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and checked my phone. One new text from Con Da Bon.

Connor:  Meet me in the backyard and I’ll tell you what we’re doing!

Me: Okay be there in a sec!

    I threw on some makeup and ran downstairs. It was the morning, so I was hungry.  I went into the kitchen and took a jar of nutella and a spoon from a cabinet and walked outside.

    “Well I see you were hungry.” He said looking at the jar of nutella in my hand.

    “What can I say? When I’m hungry, I’m hungry Connor.” He smiled his award winning smile.

    “May I ask what we’re doing?”

    “You see these eggs?” He asked holding up a carton of eggs. I nodded shoving a spoonful of chocolate goodness into my mouth. “Well, since we’re best friends, I thought we might do the best friend challenge. We’re each going to ask each other six questions, if you get it right, then nothing happens, but if you get it wrong, then you get one of these cracked on your head.  Winner gets to tweet off the losers twitter.”

    “Seriously?” He nodded

    “What did it sound like I was kidding?”

    “No.  Fine let’s do this.”  We both practically know everything about each other so it could be any ones game.  He set up the camera and started the video off.

    “What’s up guy’s Connor, and today I’m here with,”


    “So if you guy’s don’t know, Kara is my best friend from back in Minnesota!” He said putting  his arm around me.  “Today we are going to be doing the best friends challenge! Kara, explain to them what this is.”

    “So basicly what is going to happen is, Connor and I are each going to ask each other six questions and if you get it right you get a point and if you get it wrong the person who asked the question gets a point. Also if you get the question wrong you get an egg cracked on your head. In the end, the person who wins gets to tweet off the losers twitter.” After saying this I was out of breath.

    “So lets get started. Since Kara hasn’t been on this channel in a while, she can go first.” Before the game started, I had typed up my questions on my phone. I read off the first one.

    “Okay Connor, first question. What is my favorite food?” I started out easy.

    “Duh corndogs.”

    “That is correct. No eggs this time. Your turn.” He pulled out his phone also.

    “Okay Kara, your first question.  What is my favorite food?”  I didn’t know if it was nutella or pizza.

    “Nutella.” I said wrinkling my nose, afraid of what would happen next.

    “Wrong it was pizza.”

    “Crap, I was going to say pizza.”

    “Sure you were.” He picked up an egg and smashed it on my head. The yolk slid down my face.

    “OW!” The egg shell poked at my scalp.  “Okay then Con, question number two, what is my favorite color?”

    “God I don’t know, pink?”

    “Nope. My favorite color is light blue.” I picked up an egg and brought it down on his head.

    “Ewww. This feels like, I don’t even know what this feels like!” I giggled at his misfortune.  

“Well then what’s my favorite animal?”

    “Really Connor? Anyone who has ever seen any of your video’s knows your favorite animal is a cat.”

    “That is right.  Continue with your question.”

    Question after question until it  was one question that would determined the winner. “Okay Connor this is my last question. What is my favorite Pokemon?” There was no way he would get this. There were too many choices.

    “Well  I know you like the starter pokemon, and it’s not charmander, so is it pikachu?” He was already covered in eggs.

“Wrong! My favorite pokemon is Squirtle.” I picked up an egg and instead of smashing it on his head, I squeezed it  right over the quiff of his hair. He squealed when his hair flattened on to his head.

“Hair what are you doing!?”

“Connor, you lost! hand over your phone and I shall tweet!”  He handed me his phone and I talked as I typed. “‘My trivial skills were no match for the queen @KaraBear. I lost and shall never be able to live up to this shame to my family. I’m so sorry.’ and tweet.”

    “So that’s it guys other than that,”

    “Wait, Connor can I finish the video?”

    “Sure.” He smiled.

    “Well other than that, We’re gonna go! So this week we learned about each other, and got hit with eggs and tweets and I don’t even know booooooooo!” He shut off the camera and I laughed. “That is so much fun!”

    “Okay calm down. We have to film my O2L video. This week we get to do whatever we want. This doesn’t need an explanation just follow my lead.” I nodded and he started the video.  “Hey guys. Connor here, and this week on O2L is choice week.  We get to do whatever we want. So I’m going to take this opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do for a year now.” He grabbed my hand. What was happening?  “This is my best friend Kara, that I left in Minnesota a year ago. Last night crazy things happened and I became happier than I had in a long time. But I should get to the point.  Kara, will you be my girlfriend?” My heart jumped out of my chest.

    “Yes!” I screamed hugging him, and planting my lips on to his. Days ago Connor and I had just been friends, and now we were being all sappy and making promises. For the first time I realized I loved Connor.

I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now