Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Connor’s POV

I hadn’t left the hospital since that day. I hadn’t showered in weeks I was hungry and would kill for some taco bell right now. But it wasn’t bad enough to leave.  Ricky had come to get me to go home and eat something, and take a shower but I refused.

“Connor, you need to go home. If Kara were awake right now, do you think she would want you here yearning over her, not caring about your health or taking care of yourself, or do you think she would want you to eat, and take a shower and do something?”

“I don’t know.”

“The second one Connor, the second one.” All of a sudden I felt a small tingle on my hand.

“He’s right you know Connor.” Kara.

“Kara you’re awake!” I grabbed her small fragile body in my arms. Then I started babbling like an idiot. “Kara it was all my fault. I don’t know why I let her kiss me but I did. But I don’t love her, I love you and I just,” I was interrupted by Kara pecking my lips.

“Shhhhhhhh, Connor. It’s okay. Now go take a shower. You kind of smell like the inside of a cat.” She said smiling I got up to leave but before I left I needed to one last thing.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Kara’s POV

“I love you too.” I said as Connor left the room. Ricky was there too, but he stayed. “Hey Ricky.”  I pat the side of the bed signaling for him to come sit by me. So he sat down next to me.

“Well good morning sleeping beauty.” I giggled. Ha giggle is a funny word *giggle*.

“So Richard, what exactly happened after I passed out?”

“Well you jumped, Connor fell to his knees and didn’t move, paralyzed with fear. Trevor’s voice got really high and pre-pubescent and he called 911. No one was doing anything, so I jumped in after you.” He saved me?

“ Wow, thank you Ricky.”

“Yeah sure girl it’s fine. But you might need a new weave.” I laughed at his comment. I never noticed how adorable Ricky’s lisp was. Wait, what?  No. I wasn’t I couldn’t be. But I was. I was falling in love with my boyfriends best friend.

“Hey Kara, has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?” He asked getting inches closer to my face.

“No. Has anyone ever told you, your lisp is perfect?”

“Yes. But it doesn’t mean as much coming from them as it does from you.” Then he kissed me. It  was beautiful. I didn’t resist. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. I didn’t want to do this to Connor, I just couldn’t Imagine something so wrong feeling so good.  I pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

“So we’re not telling Connor about this, are we?” I asked him.

“No, we can’t do that to him. Not yet. But everything will be okay.” He said putting a strand of hair behind my ear. “I promise.” I wanted to believe him, I really did, but there was no telling what would happen next.


I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now