Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I woke up I found myself on Connor’s bed, alone. I climbed out of his bed and walked to my suite case. I pulled out a teal knit beanie, yellow sweater, beige jeans, and combat boots. I threw on some lip gloss and brushed my hair. I changed into my outfit and walked downstairs.  I found Connor sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee. Ricky, Kian, Hannah, and JC were sitting at the table.  

“What are you doing wearing a sweater?! We are in LA and it is 73 degrees out!” I replied by tugging on my sleeve. He shut his mouth in an attempt to cover up what he had just said.  “Oh yeah. Sorry.”  The boys looked confused. We sat in silence for a while until Ricky spoke up.

“Okay, why are you guys acting so weird? I mean one minute, Connor is telling you how crazy you are for wearing a sweater and the next minute, Connor is apologizing for an unknown reason!  I may not be as worried about you as Connor is, but I still want to know what’s happening!”  To say the least, Ricky’s outburst kind of scared me.  I shrugged, staring at my feet.

    “I’ll tell you if I can trust you  guys.” I said quietly, not taking a chance to look up.

    “You can trust us. It’s not like we tell everything to the viewers.” JC insured me.  I pulled up my sleeve to reveal the variation of scars on my wrists. I turned my hands for all the boys to see. There mouths slightly dropped at the sight. Ricky scratched the back of his neck and shrugged.

    “I’m sorry. If I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have been so harsh as to pry.”

    “ Yeah well that’s the reason I don’t wear many t-shirts.  But I don’t worry too much, I think I’m becoming happier day by day.”

I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now