Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(A/N I’m doing the best I can do, but I don’t really know

Still in Connor’s point of view


I sat with my fingers entwined with hers. I stroked her hair softly as she cried about god knows what.

“Shhhh.” I calmed her. I held on to her tight afraid she would slip away. Ever so slowly, her body slipped through my fingers and disappeared. I screamed out her name but no one answered it was just complete darkness. Then I woke up.

*End of dream*

I woke up broken out in a nervous sweat. What happened yesterday?  Oh yeah. Kara, passed out, blood, drowning, kissing. It was all too much. I couldn’t handle it. I got up from the couch and grabbed Kian’s keys from the counter and walked to the garage. I opened the car door and put the key in the ignition. The car started and I booked to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

I slammed the car door and barged through the doors to the front desk.

“What can I help you with?” The woman at the desk asked me.

“Yeah I’m here to see Kara Cartner.”

“And your relationship to her?”


“Okay sir, she is in room 124. The doctors currently there so knock before entering.”

“Okay thank you so much!” I yelled to her after I was halfway down the hallway. I knocked on the door.

“Come in.” A male voice said. What I saw next was disturbing and burned into the back of my mind forever.

    “Kara!” I ran over to her side and looked at her up and down. She was breathing, but her eyes were closed and she wasn’t moving. “What happened!”

    “Son,  I’m sorry but Kara over here has slipped into a coma.”

    “God no!” I wanted to scream, I wanted to punch something.This was all my fault. A hand was put on my shoulder.

    “I’m sorry. It could be a couple hours, or it could be months. But you can have some time alone with her.” I nodded as he shut the door. I picked up her hand and circled my thumb around her knuckle as tears welled up in my eyes.

    “I’m sorry. That girl meant nothing to me Kara, nothing. I love you and only you please wake up.”

Kara’s POV

    Everything hurt. Everything was black. Then it was light. And I saw nothing. Then my brother. My brother that has been dead for three years.  “Jacob?”

    “Kara, what are you doing here?” Where is here?

    “I don’t know. It would help if I knew where here was.”

    “Heaven. I saw you jump Kara.  You shouldn’t be here. You should be there, with Connor.” I shook my head no.

“That boy doesn’t love me.”

“Think what you want but, He needs you more than you think.  I want to show you something.” He took my hand and pulled me over to a hole in the beautiful vast whiteness. “Just look.” I looked down and saw Connor, holding my fragile little hand in his large one. He traced circles on the back of my hand while crying.

“I’m sorry. That girl meant nothing to me Kara, nothing. I love you and only you please wake up.” Tears fell from his eyes.

“I need to go back Jacob! I need him I can’t be dead yet I just can’t” Now I was crying.

“You will go back just close your eyes and then everything will be okay. I’ll see you again someday Kara.”

“Good bye Jacob. I’m gonna miss you. I love you.”

“I love you to Kara.” Then my vision turned black.

Ricky’s POV (Oohhh fancy)

I haven’t looked at life the same since Connor brought Kara to LA. She was broken, I could tell, and fixing wouldn’t be easy. Connor was willing to help, but so was I. She could cry on my shoulder if she wanted and I would do my best to make her feel wanted. But I couldn’t do this to my best friend. She was just perfect in every way. I saved her life, but her and Connor had known each other forever. The truth about Kara. . .

Is that I love her.

I Love You To LA and Back (A Connor Franta Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now