[ 1 ] concert !

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[ 1 ] concert !

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[ 1 ] concert !

" you got me like upside down, you're standing there i swear my whole has turned around - i can't believe you're here i was looking in the crowd, but you're here now "


tears were pricking your eyes. he was really there, up on a stage. sure, he had been in that position countless times but this time it was different. it was different because you were there to witness how his eyes lit up whenever he looked at the crowd.

you couldn't believe this boy was yours.

at first, you didn't think you could attend the gig. but you managed to make some time to go see calpurnia, without telling finn . you were in one of the first rows and he hadn't spotted you yet. ayla widened her eyes at you at one point but you had put your index finger on your lips and she got the message. you couldn't wait for that moment when he'd finally spot you.

"wow this is insane." finn breathed out against the mic, running his fingers through his messy and sweaty curls. "i really want to thank every single person in the crowd for singing along with us and, and..." he stopped himself. his eyes were on you. "w-wait a second... y/n?!" when the audience heard your name, they started ooh-ing and clapping. you covered your mouth with your hands to keep you from one of your classic fits of nervous laughter. "no way!! you told me you couldn't come!" he exclaimed. you just shrugged. "no no no, you come here right now young lady!" he said, pointing at the floor with his index finger.

you giggled, doing as you were told. you were dying to have him in your arms anyway, no matter how hot and sweaty he was.

he ran towards you and wrapped his arms around you. everybody started clapping, including the rest of the band. finn laughed against your shoulder. when he sniffled, you realized he was crying. yeah, you hadn't seen each other in person in a while.

"you have absolutely no idea how much i've missed you y/n." he whispered in your ear. you bit your lip trying to hold back your own tears.

"oh baby." you muttered, tightening your grip around him. "i love you so much."

finn let go of you, wiping the rest of his tears away. everybody went aww! as both of your faces turned deadly red. you burried your face in finn's chest, avoiding everybody's looks.

"well shit that was unexpected." finn said this time against the mic. "well for those who might be confused, no this is not an angel, this is my girlfriend y/n. she's close second though." he added, kissing your cheek.

"hi!" you waved, resulting in a huge applause. "i'm this idiot's girlfriend."

"neither of us knows how that happened!" jack commented, making everybody laugh. finn simply rolled his eyes.

"hey listen," you said to finn. "maybe i should let you carry on with the gig, you know? that's what people are here for." you chuckled but finn pouted. "aww, would you like me to spend the night at yours? i'm free."

" yesh " finn said, his bottom lip still sticking out. "see you later, alligator." he said before pecking your lips softly. the audience cheered once again whilst finn bowed at them. you laughed, slapping his back and giving him one last kiss on the cheek.


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