[ 21 ] kiss it better !

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[ 21 ] kiss it better !

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[ 21 ] kiss it better !

" and if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side, well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine "


you didn't have to look at finn to see that he was fidgetting. the sound of his leg bouncing was way too familiar at this point, and the same could be said about the tapping of his fingers against his knees.

you held his hand. "hey. look at me." and he did, reluctantly. "it's just a scene. you know that, right?" you swallowed the lump in your throat that could potentially give away the fact that you were just as anxious as he was. "we can pull it off, just like we have a million times before."

"this is different, though." he said, rapidly. "look how worked up i am just to get myself in the zone." he chuckled nervously.

you brought the back of his hand to your lips and pressed a gentle kiss to it. after that, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his lap, burrying his face on the crook of your neck. you could feel his uneasy and uneven breathing pattern.

"i'm scared shitless. i really am." he murmured, shakily. even his hands behind your back were shaking.

you took a deep breath and wrapped your arms around his neck.

you and finn had been acting together for several months now. you guys were in a movie about a boy who's girlfriend had died in a car accident and ever since then he'd been having very vivid hallucinations of her everywhere he went, but mostly in his room. you were minutes away from filming a very pivotal scene where the boy confronts the hallucination, which was you.

"listen to me." you whispered as gently as you could. "we're a team. we're in this together, and it's gonna be fine. we know we can do this, we've rehearsed it until the words stopped making fucking sense, okay? i know it's scary, believe me, i'm just as scared as you are. but i have you to fall back on, and you have me to fall back on."

finn sniffled. his eyes were sparkly with tears. "promise?"

you smiled. "promise." after that, you smirked. "do you want me to kiss it better?"

"oh don't you start with that." he replied. in a few flashbacks that you had already shot for your movie, the girl would always ask this to the boy whenever he was sad or down about something.

you smiled and kissed his forehead.

and it was like everyone on set knew that this was a monumental moment as well. there were at least four people behind each camera trying to catch the moment from different angles.

once you and finn were in your positions to start filming, you looked at finn; he was sitting on the bed of the bedroom set and you were simply standing a few feet away from him. you saw finn sigh. you made a kiss noise so he'd look up and when he did, you winked at him to give him some kind of comfort. he smiled weakly at you before closing his eyes: he was focusing as much as he could.

"okay, cameras rolling." this was it. "and... action!"

no turning back.

you stood in your spot as finn just looked at you. for a second he did, but then he looked away.

that's your cue, y/n, speak. "elliot, look at me." you said.

"no." finn said.

"look at me." you said, your voice shaking and your eyes watering. one of your many skills as a beginning actress.

"no." finn sobbed quietly, still not looking at you. a couple seconds went by. "you're not real." he finally said. "you're just inside my head, trying to fuck me over because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me and my mind can't accept that you're gone and you're never coming back so why are you still here?!" he exclaimed, getting up from the bed. calm down y/n, it's just a character. finn's fine. "why the fuck are you still here?!" he walked towards you. "haven't you done enough already?!"

a single tear rolled down your cheek. in the back of your mind, you knew that finn was looking at it as it moved. your bottom lip was quivering.

finn let out a louder sob. "i miss you. shit, i miss you so much." he dropped on his knees and hugged your waist. your trembling right hand went to his hair as he sobbed against your stomach.

"hey." you murmured. finn looked up. the genuine tears on his face almost made you lose it completely and call it quits. you couldn't stand seeing finn in such despair, even if it was just pretend. but you kept it together; for the project. and then, you said it. the line. "do you want me to kiss it better?" and you smiled, just like it was scripted. a tearful smile from a person that wasn't even there, that was built from pain but also joyful memories. at least, that's what helped you picture the scenario.

and then finn got up. he was about to kiss you. he looked like he hesitated for a second, because elliot was supposed to hesitate. he knew that this wasn't real, that he needed help, but he decided that he wanted to rejoice in having his girlfriend with him for just another minute before he had to come face to face with reality.

finn leaned down and kissed you. it was a huge kiss, it felt huge. you weren't supposed to hold him, it was scripted that you had to stand still as you kissed him back whilst he had his hands on the back of your neck, but god. what you would've given to be able to give him some comfort.

finn left one last peck on your lips before pulling away completely.

"and cut! that was great, guys."

we did it.

finn sighed in relief and, without having a care in the world for who was watching, he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you again. but this time it was different; it was finn and you, finn and y/n, not two characters overcome by emotions that you could barely understand.

it was just two actors who had just been in a very terrifying place and needed each other to make the weight on their shoulders go away.

"i love you." you murmured against his lips. as you cupped his cheeks with your hands, you felt his tears. "it's okay." you said as he pressed his forehead against yours.

"i love you."

you kissed his nose. "so... lunch?"

finn smiled. "yes."


it's been a couple months!! lol sorry i left this unattended, y'all know how sometimes my imagination goes on very random hiatuses 😭 ok so this is a little meh but it's been a hot minute since i updated this book so i decided to go for it lmao

anyways here's a weird question: how many of my books are y'all reading? or are you just reading this one? idk i was just curious :)

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