[ 12 ] in a band !

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[ 12 ] in a band !

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[ 12 ] in a band !

" now do you believe in rock 'n roll and can music save your mortal soul, and can you teach me how to dance real slow? "


"i'm telling you, y/n, this is literally the only reason i'm dating you." finn chuckled as he wrapped his fingers around your hand whilst walking by your side.

you snorted. "oh please, you'd give me  so much more clout!" you joked. "i mean, you're the white boy of the month every fucking month and my dad's in a band that isn't even that big!" you ranted.

finn's eyes widened. "are you shitting me right now?" he questioned, making you laugh. "according to your dad, they fucking sold out. a band that 'isn't even that big' doesn't sold out, y/n!" he quickly explained, making quotation marks with the hand that wasn't glued to yours.

"i-i mean, it's a small venue!," you shrugged.

"don't be like that, ya hear me?" finn grabbed your cheeks with his free hand a left a very sonorous kiss on your lips. "you should've acknowledged by now that your dad is pretty dope."

you pouted at his childish but somewhat adorable attitude. "well i'm sure he'd love to hear you say that every once in a while, as a fellow music nerd."

finn chuckled, unconsciously blushing a little. finn really liked your dad, he was very wise when it came to music and would give finn the greatest advice. seeing them get along made you feel so incredibly happy, specially after all the jokes he's made over the years about wanting to choke your boyfriend once you had one.

"oop, we're here." you informed finn, pointing towards a door with your head, it had a sign that said ARTISTS ONLY in bright red. but you were the guitarrist's daughter, you didn't give a fuck.

you knocked on the door before hearing a familiar voice saying come in! you opened the door a little and peeked through it. you immediately saw your dad tuning his bright emerald electric guitar. the rest of the members of his band were there too and they all gave you their biggest smiles. "my biggest fan!" your father cheered, making you chuckle.

"yup, and i came with fan number two." you smirked, opening the door so finn could actually be noticed.

"finn, my man! you made it!" your dad said, with a huge smile plastered on his face. he then turned to the rest of the band, "guys, this is y/n's love monkey."

"dad!" you exclaimed. finn just let out a little laugh, squeezing your hand a little tighter. the others just laughed at your dad's dumb comment.

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