[ 5 ] sick !

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[ 5 ] sick !

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[ 5 ] sick !

" she said that someday soon the sun was gonna shine - and she was right, this love of mine, my valentine "


"i'm so glad you could come y/n. he hasn't come out of bed since this morning." finn's mom, mary, rambled on as you both walked up the stairs to finn's room.

you chuckled at her words, letting your smile show. "poor thing. how sick is he?"

"he has a pretty bad flu." she said, biting her bottom lip in concern. "we thought the flu shot would be enough but i told him not to perform just to make sure but you know him..." she shook her head.

"yeah, i know." you said. don't ever ask finn to cancel a show unless he's fucking dying.

mary knocked on finn's door softly a couple of times. "finn, honey? someone's here to see you." she shot you a smile and you smiled back.

you only heard finn whine which only made you giggle silently. "you sure you can handle my son?" she asked, smirking.

you just shrugged. "yeah, might as well. i'm used to his attitudes." you said, pretending to be annoyed.

"okay then." mary laughed. "i'll leave you to it."

once mary was out of sight, you proceeded to slowly open the door to finn's room. he was laying in his bed on top of the covers, wearing an oversized t-shirt and his pajama pants (you had seen those pants countless times whenever you slept over). his entire face was red and you could see the sweat on his forehead almost perfectly despite you being a few good feet away from him. when he saw you, he whined again as he burried his face on the pillow. "you're such a baby, stop it!" you chuckled at his nonstop whining.

"why are you here?" he asked, his voice being muffled by the pillow. "i look like shit."

you chuckled again, as you sat on the edge of the bed, staring down at him. you couldn't help but feel kind of bad for him. you know finn, and he hates to be sick. that basically means he can't do all of the things that he loves.

finn sighed and bothered to look up from the pillow. "i can't fucking breathe with that pillow..." he let out a choked chuckle that soon became a coughing fit that made him get up slightly. you scooted closer to him, softly caressing his back. once the cough subsided, finn sighed again but this time you could sense annoyance in the air coming out of his mouth. "i feel like crap."

you shot him an apologetic smile, wishing you could do more than just hold him and look at him. "i know baby, i know how much you hate it." your hand on his back went straight to his messy mop of curls. "jesus, when was the last time you brushed these bad boys?" you asked amused, noticing an infinity of knots all over his scalp.

finn sniffled. "shut up, y/n."

" shut up y/n. " you mimicked him, trying to get the nasal voice right just to push his buttons.

finn rolled his eyes. "i hate you." he looked away, pretending to be mad even though you knew he wasn't. you raised your eyebrows in expectation. he looked back at you again, his demeanor going significantly softer. "ugh just come here. i'm weak." he whined opening his arms for you.

you scrunched my nose. "but you're sick."

"oh fuck you." finn laughed, throwing his pillow at you. you gasped, throwing it back at him. "but seriously, can't you just hold me for a little? please?" when you looked into finn's eyes you could sense he meant it, he really wanted to be held. and how could you say no to those beautiful eyes and that beautiful voice?

you smiled. "okay, fine." and you crawled to his side. he rested his head on your chest, his arms wrapped around your torso. your arms were around his shoulders and your chin was comfortably nuzzled in his black curls. you scoffed. "this is so gross, why am i allowing this?"

"because you love me and you're not allowed to let go so please don't let go." he murmured against your chest, holding you a little bit tighter.

you giggled. "don't worry child, i'm staying here for as long as you need me to." you said and even though it kind of sounded like you were joking, you meant it. you weren't leaving unless finn felt like he'd be okay if you did so. "so you have the flu, what else?"

finn sighed. "well i threw up earlier today. and i also have a fever. it hurts everywhere." he said as you rubbed the fabric of his t-shirt with your thumb, leaving a soft kiss on his head.

you pouted. "my poor baby." you cooed as you started kissing his face repeatedly. it was warm and slightly damp but you didn't care, you were giving him affection and that's all you cared about. "my poor," kiss. "poor," kiss. "sweet," kiss. "baby." kiss. "boy."

finn pouted too as if he was sad. "your poor poor baby." he fake whined, nodding like a complete child. "hug me tighter." he said, holding you  tighter than before making you giggle. you obliged, tightening your grip around him. "y/n?"


"thanks for coming." he slurred, which probably meant he was seconds away from falling asleep. "i love you."

you smiled. "love you too, finnie."

you looked down at him and could see he was smiling. but just a few seconds later, his smile faltered. he had fallen asleep. in your arms.

just then, the door opened slightly allowing you to see a very similar mop of curls to the one where you were resting my chin on. it was nick. you put your index finger against your lips, silently telling him to be quiet.

nick nodded in understanding, shooting you a thumbs up and smiling sweetly before leaving.


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