[ 18 ] spoiled !

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[ 18 ] spoiled !

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[ 18 ] spoiled !

" you're everything i need and more, it's written all over your face - baby i can see your halo, you know you're my saving grace "


when you slowly started to wake up, it took you at least a couple seconds to rewind all your steps and remember where you were and where your life was at.

you had pulled a big fat all nighter with your friends the previous now and then had gone to finn's house. you and your boyfriend chatted for a while and then you decided to take a nap because of how exhausted the all nighter had left you.

and now you were gently being brought back to consciousness by the curly haired boy.

"hey, baby." he whispered soothingly. you opened your eyes slowly and saw that he had a glimpse of sympathy in his face. you were about to question him but he spoke before you could. "you're on your period."

you frowned. "what?" you looked down at your shorts to check yourself. and to your surprise (and embarrassment) there was a big red stain. fortunately, you hadn't ruined the sheets or anything so you were quick to get up. "sorry." you bit your lip, feeling extremely guilty.

he shrugged with a comforting smile. "don't apologize, it happens." he said, before running his hands up and down your arms. "tell you what: why don't you take a shower? you still have your spare underwear from last month, remember?"

realization struck you. "oh yeah, from the day we went to the pool." you said, rubbing your eyes and yawning. "yeah, i think i'll do that. thank you." you kissed his cheek and proceeded to follow his suggestion.

once you were in the bathroom, you started feeling the cramps on your lower belly. they weren't too bad, at least not yet. but you still rubbed your tummy before taking your clothes off and getting in the shower. the warm water felt nice against your skin and you couldn't help but smile at the fact that finn somehow knew that it would make you feel good.

when you got out, you spotted that there was a box of tampons that was already open, it was probably mary's. you thought that it couldn't hurt to just take one. she loved you anyways and if you had asked, the answer would've been yes.

once you were ready and felt warm, you got out of the bathroom. the water had helped a bit with the cramps but now that you were out, you were starting to feel them again.

you went back into finn's room and couldn't help but snort; on his bed was a bag of chips, a bag of doritos, three large bars of chocolate, a nutella jar, a peanut butter jar and (last but not least) a big bottle of regular coke. "what's all this, dude?"

"what, aren't you hungry?" he asked. you hesitated. you kind of were actually. and the excessive amount of food came in handy.

you smiled. "i am. but why did you bring... so much?" you chuckled. "there's no way we're gonna eat all of this."

"oh shush, i wanted to spoil you." he walked towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. you responded to the gesture by burrying your face on his chest. "how are you feeling?"

your mind went back to the cramps. "my uterus doesn't like me right now." you commented, making finn snicker.

"so," he pulled away, cupping your face between his large hands. "what does my spoiled girlfriend want to do tonight?" he asked, pressing the tip of his nose against yours.

"mhm." you murmured closing your eyes. truth be told, you would've been fine standing there with him, feeling his soft breath against your skin. but that's not what you answered. "i think i just want to stay in and watch netflix in bed with you." you smiled, knowing that he would like the sound of that.

finn bit his bottom lip. "what she wants, she gets." he said, leaving a long soft kiss against your lips. "but you're gonna have to put on jammies, brought to you by yours truly." he said, before going to his drawer and pulling out his black and white spendtime palace t-shirt (you know which one) and a pair of black boxer griefs that were from when he was 14 and wouldn't be so big on you.

he threw both items at you and unfortunately, the boxer brief landed on your face. you picked it up and flipped finn off.

and when you were both ready you got into bed with all the shitty food and started watching whatever you could find on netflix, using finn's laptop.

you went through different genres from drama to horror to comedy and whenever something was boring you two silently agreed to jump into something else. that's how much you knew each other.

you watched dead poets society and finn had to handle you bawling your eyes out even though you had seen the movie a million times before.

you coincidentally also cried with finding nemo, the opening scene as a matter of fact. that however, had never happened to you before, and you didn't know if it was because of your period or because you had finn's arm snaked around your waist and he left a kiss against your temple every once in a while, but you were emotional. that much was sure and certain.

after a few movies and episodes from tv shows, it was 3AM and you had started to yawn. you looked over to your side and saw that finn was fast asleep on your shoulder. you chuckled to yourself; he still had his arm around your middle, as if he could somehow still take care of you in his sleep.

you carefully closed the laptop and placed it on the floor with what was left of the food. surprisingly, you two had eaten more than you had anticipated. the only thing left was half the peanut butter jar.

"finn? finn baby, time for bed." you murmured, as you gently laid him down.

he groaned at being woken up but once he felt that you had laid down with him, he wrapped his arms around your body and pressed you against his chest. he used to do that a lot, in his sleep or when he had a nightmare.

"finn?" you whispered. he hummed in response, his eyes still very much closed. "thank you for taking care of me. i love you, you big baby." you smiled, pressing a kiss to his jawline.

finn smiled and burried his face on your neck, leaving a few goodnight kisses which meant nothing further from 'i love you too'.


this looked better in my head i am so deeply sorry 😪

my oneshots make me feel so lonely lmao someone bring tissues over here :,(

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