[ 16 ] take on me !

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[ 16 ] take on me !

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[ 16 ] take on me !

" you wouldn't get this from any other guy, i just wanna tell you how i'm feeling, gotta make you understand "


you took a couple steps to your left while the camera flashes kept hitting your eyes. people around you were screaming your name repeatedly, expecting you to give them a good picture. that's basically how it went at award shows.

that's what was supposed to be endured when your movie was nominated for a sag award.

nevertheless, you gave your brightest smile until it was somebody else's turn to suffer.

but the interviews weren't half as bad. they were actually pretty enjoyable and definitely didn't make you feel like you were about to explode fron extreme anxiety.

you stepped away from the carpet, waving at the crowd of camera people as if you were thankful for the experience. after that, you walked around looking at all the familiar faces. so many actors and actresses that you had seen on movie screens or your own tv. they were coming to life in front of you which sometimes was enough to make your chest feel just a tiny but lighter. this time around, it did.

before you knew it, interviews started. it was mainly questions about your movie and wether or not you expected to win this evening. you kept saying very similar things; i am very lucky blah blah blah i do hope we win blah blah blah. despite how insensitive this might look, your nerves took the best of you sometimes and being creative wasn't really a worry of yours.

but this one interviewer, a lady with a beautiful golden dress, actually made an impression on you. it started off like usual; "y/n y/l/n is here with us tonight, promoting her new movie nominated for an award tonight! how are you doing tonight?!"

you smiled. "i'm good, i'm great, really excited to be here." you responded, looking around and taking in the atmosphere.

"yeah- beautiful dress, by the way! you look gorgeous!"

you looked down at your outfit; a long shiny red dress. you had picked it out and you had felt very self-conscious about it at first but when you recieved that compliment, you felt slightly better about it. "oh, thank you! thank you so much."

you had always been complimented on your outfits whenever you had to go to an award show or a premiere but everyone just sounded so fake, as if they had planned it out with extreme scrutiny, not truly meaning it. but this lady for some reason seemed different. or maybe it was just the fact that she had made your insecurity subside. all you knew was that you wouldn't mind chatting with her for a bit.

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now