[ 3 ] unicorn !

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[ 3 ] unicorn !

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[ 3 ] unicorn !

" where i go, troubles never break through - the grass is greener, my head is clearer, i got peace of mind when i fall into your eyes "


you rubbed your eyes, feeling sleepy as fuck. it had been the longest plane ride ever, and london wasn't even that close. you still had a good amount of hours to cope with ahead of you, and the thought made you huff in discomfort. you hadn't gotten the tiniest bit of sleep.

you sighed in annoyance as you opened your backpack to take out your favorite pillow; it had the shape of the unicorn emoji and the cool thing was that you could turn it into one of those pillows that had the shape of a U to put around your neck while on the plane. you couldn't believe you had forgotten about it.

you smiled at the unicorn and hugged it tightly. it was oddly comfortable for such an odd shape but you loved it nonetheless. you closed your eyes, feeling sleepier. maybe you'd get to sleep after all.

but just before you were about to doze off completely, you heard a snort that made your eyes suddently open. you looked at where the sound had come from and you saw an all too familiar face. you spotted nick wolfhard just a few seats away from you.

wait, but if nick's here...?

it only took you a few seconds and a glance to nick's left to notice who was sitting next to him. and when you spotted him, oh. my. god. you couldn't believe you were staring at finn fucking wolfhard himself aka the biggest role model of yours that you could possibly think of. you dearly admired how hard he worked for the things he loved, and how he wasn't afraid of being his dorky self. he had the biggest heart too, being nothing but kind to the ones around him. you could only dream of being as amazing as him.

your heart started beating a million miles per hour and you almost failed to notice that he was staring at the unicorn you were holding. you looked down at it with a shy smile, deciding it wouldn't hurt to expose his ass.

"why are you staring at my unicorn?" you suddently asked, pretending to be offended. finn's eyes widened as his cheeks turned pink, surely not expecting that to happen at all. you snickered.

much to your surprise, nick snickered as well to which for some reason made finn blush even more. "he's not staring at your unicorn ma'am. he's staring at you." finn gasped and punched his arms, mustering a what the fuck dude! before shaking his head in disbelief.

now it was your turn to blush. you couldn't figure out if that had been serious or just a joke, but the first option freaked you out as much as it flattered you. suddently, your self-confidence increased a few levels which made you feel brave enough to talk back. "that's nice." you chuckled nervously. "you're cute too, finnie." his name (or rather the affectionate nickname) just slipped out of your lips as if it was a word you used every day, which you kind of did .

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now