[ 6 ] teen mom !

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[ 6 ] teen mom !

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[ 6 ] teen mom !

" and that was the day that i promised i'd never sing of love it does not exist - but darling you are the only exception "

i don't know if this kind of topic could potentially trigger people but if it does trigger YOU, do not feel the obligation to read any further :) you're more important, put yourself first 💘

also, i am in no way promoting teen parenting!!! i just had an idea that could work for an imagine, i hope nobody gets offended,,,


you and finn had known each other for a few good months. before you got pregnant you used to attend a very entertaining acting 'school' that you would attend every thrusday and friday. finn got invited this one time to give a talk about his own personal experience, due to the fact that most of the acting students were his age. including you.

you had had the privilege to talk to him after the talk and suprisingly, you too hit it off pretty well. you exchanged numbers and went out for ice-cream the next day, you had tons of fun.

of course, he had to leave the next day. he was a very busy person, you knew that very well.

you were still in touch, though. you'd talk everyday, about anything and everything - well... almost everything. there was a thing that you never told him in your text messages.

you never told him about your daughter.

her name was andi and she was the most gorgeous human being you had ever seen. you loved her more than anything else in the world and keeping her was the best decision you had ever made. she gave you a new perspective and appreciation of life that you never knew you could have. you were so extremely grateful.

at first, you kind of just told yourself that you kept that secret from finn because it was way too personal and you hadn't known each other for that long. but it didn't take much time for you to realize you didn't want him to look down at you. because you were convinced he would.

the months went by and you two became closer. finn had actually managed to convince his parents to let them visit you for a couple days since he had a week off. you obviously were excited beyond belief but also terrified.

he had to know, you kept telling yourself. he deserves to know. so you dialed his number and you told him. but you also said that you wanted to explain everything to him in person and he agreed to wait, despite being in complete shock.

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now