[ 4 ] proud !

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[ 4 ] proud !

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[ 4 ] proud !

" sweet creature, sweet creature, wherever i go you bring me home - sweet creature, sweet creature, when i run out of road you bring me home "


"finished!" you exclaimed, slamming your fork against your now empty plate. but you quickly regretted your action as your head started to hurt more than it already was.

your mom clicked her tongue as you stood up and practically ran to get your phone. "they're probably still in soundcheck y/n." she sighed at your excitement.

"your mom's right." your dad spoke up. but your were hardly listening, as you were looking for a certain fan account on instagram who said was going to livestream the whole concert.

you bit your bottom lip when i noticed that the account hadn't started livestreaming yet, which meant the concert hadn't started yet.

"look honey, why don't you just call finn and ask him what they're doing?" your mom suggested.

you quickly shook my head. "no mom, whatever he's doing, i'm not going to bother him. gigs are a big deal to him, you know that." you couldn't help but smile, thinking about how much finn loves what he does.

your parents decided not to bug you too much anymore. this is usually what happens every time calpurnia has a gig that you can't attend. this time it was because you were sick, you had a fever.

so to kill time, you sent finn a text.

good luck bubba. go kick some
ass 💓

you smiled before locking your phone and going to your room, walking slowly because of the shakiness of your body due to the fever.

you changed into your jammies which tonight consisted in your calpurnia t-shirt (the white one with the striped logo in the middle) and some comfy white shorts. you climbed inside your bed, still holding your phone. you put on your headphones and just when you had finished plugging them in, the object vibrated. your eyes widened at the notification.

calpurniac started a livestream. watch it before it ends !

you clicked on the notification deadly fast and waited for the livestream to load. the first thing you heard was a gigantic crowd cheering and screaming their throats out. you bit back a smile. all of that was for them.

after a few moments, the band showed up on stage. ayla, glowing as always. jack with the biggest grin on his face, malcolm giving the fans a little shy wave... and then finn, who looked like he was already having the time of his life.

"hi baby." you whispered softly at the phone, secretly wishing he could hear you even though you knew he couldn't.

you kind of missed what they were saying because of the inicial screaming so it startled you a little when they started playing greyhound . they sounded so goddamn perfect, the four of them complemented each other with what they had.

you loved them all but my eyes couldn't help but lean towards finn a little bit more. he really was living his best life. he practically belonged on stage and you knew that perfectly. i could watch him perform for hours and hours on loop.

towards the end of the concert, your eyes started feeling a little bit heavy but you did your best to fight my urges to close them for good. it took you all of the strength you had to not fall asleep before they finished but you did it. they said goodbye, thanked the fans, said some stupid shit - or at least finn did - and then they left the stage with a few last waves. a few seconds later, the live ended.

and holy shit you couldn't stop smiling.

you love finn so much.


the sound of your door being slowly open slightly woke you up. your face was facing the wall so you just pretended to be asleep. you assumed it was your mom; she used to come into your room to grab some clothes she wanted to send to the washing machine.

you heard a quiet chuckle, and then footsteps that approached you. a body joined you in the bed, instantly wrapping their arms around you. at first you freaked out but you recognized that smell. finn.

you heard him sigh against your neck. he was probably exhausted from the gig, which made your heart flutter.

not more than a minute later, you heard light snores hitting the back of your head. did he really come to my house after a gig to sleep next to me?

you smiled real big, slowly turning around to face him, of course being extra careful not to wake him up. you could barely see him due to the lack of light but you could see his mouth was slightly open. you slightly stroked your fingers against his cheek softly. when did he get so beautiful?

you grinned before leaving a soft and almost unnoticeable peck on his lips before falling asleep barely inches away from his face.

but right before your eyes closed completely, you managed to breathe out a sentence. "i'm so proud of you, bubba."


calpurnia is kicking a lot of ass lately so yeah, this is what came out of my depressed ass who could only dream of going to one of their gigs,,

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