[ 13 ] nick !

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[ 13 ] nick !

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[ 13 ] nick !

" save your loving arms for a rainy day, and i'll find comfort in my pain eraser "


you caught finn's leg bouncing rapidly for what felt like the thousandth time that day. the nerves had started creeping up on him again. you let a small smile slip from your lips as you rested your hand on his knee. "hey." you called him, and he looked at you; he had his lips pressed in a thin line and a hint of panic could be seen beneath his brown eyes and you were able to catch it almost immediately. he looked down at your hand and took it in his own. his was shaking a little.

he chuckled nervously. "nervous." he simply said.

nick nudged him from beside him. "don't sweat it, man. it's gonna hurt a little but all tattoes do so, it's fine." the older wolfhard grabbed his shoulder to show him support.

you nodded along with his words. "yeah, relax. you're doing a really beautiful thing, you know?" you said fondly before pressing a kiss to his jawline that finn recieved with a smile.

"thanks." he said, kissing the back of your hand that he was holding.

"so where are you gonna have it?" nick asked him.

"right here." finn said, running a finger across his left collarbone. "a little black 'nick'." he said, unable to keep the smile from his lips.

nick laughed, still not quite believing finn was actually gonna get a tattoo of his name. "you crazy son of a bitch." he wrapped an arm around his little brother's shoulder and you smiled. nick and finn's bond couldn't be compared with any sibling bond that you had ever been the witness of. they were truly soulmates and anyone who knew them was well aware of that.

suddently, the tattoo artist came out of the door from his studio. "we're ready for you, finn." he smiled. finn's leg started bouncing again.

"let's go." you said softly, getting up and gently pulling him by the hand. "it's gonna be okay." you said. you felt him grip your hand harder as he got up.

nick's arm was still wrapped around him, but you could tell that he was also nervous for finn. "you got this, bro." he said, rubbing his shoulder softly to calm him down.

finn sat down on the big black chair and took his shirt off revealing his white torso and his collarbones. he looked at you nervously. "if you stop holding my hand, i will literally break up with you." he said to you, and you knew it was meant to come off as a joke but you knew him almost by heart. he was freaking out. you were pretty sure he was holding back tears.

you leaned in to kiss his curls gently. "we're right here, baby. neither of us is going anywhere, okay?" you looked at nick who was right next to you, waiting for him to agree.

"yeah, man. you got us." he smiled sweetly at his baby brother as his hand joined your intertwined hands.

so yes, it did hurt quite a bit. finn had chosen to get his tattoo in an original spot of his body but it was also pretty painful spot. they say the more bone there is, the more it hurts. and that was no lie.

the grip on your hand tightened significantly. it was starting to hurt but you decided that it didn't matter. he was in pain and it was important for him to feel some kind of relief, wether it was big or small. you brought your free hand to his hair and pressed your face against his, shushing him gently. you could also feel nick's hand tightening its grip as well, but obviously not as much.

finn's eyes remained close during the whole process. you couldn't see nick but you heard him sniffle at one point so you could tell that he was also scared. that was his name forming on finn's skin. it meant the world to him and it also terrified him beyond belief.

luckily, it was a four letter name so it lasted only half an hour. but for the three of you, it was the longest half hour of your lives. when finn's grip loosened, your hand almost felt naked. you kissed his cheek softly once it was over. when he opened his eyes, they almost looked bloodshot.

"you did it, baby. it's over. you did so good." you cooed, pressing kisses to his cheeks ans jaw before burring your face on the crook of his neck to provide him warmth.

"wow." nick said, feeling very moved. "dude, you're... you're on fire."

finn let out a teary laugh. "i love you, man. so much." he sais with a trembling voice. nick nodded mouthing an i love you too. you smiled against finn's skin at the interaction.

the tattoo artist poured the alcohol on the little name and then put the transparent bandage on it. finn pressed his fingers on it gently before pulling his hand away quickly. "yeah, it definitely hurts." he joked.

after this, nick went to the bathroom so that gave you some time alone with finn. he huffed. "shit, that hurt." he whispered, bringing his arm up to his face to cover his eyes. that was the moment he broke; he held it in so nick couldn't see it.

you gently uncovered his face and pressed your nose against his, whilst silent tears started streaming down his face. "baby, look at me. baby." you whispered, cupping his face with both of your hands. "you're so brave. so brave. you did it like a champion. and nick is so proud of you. he's so happy, and he loves you so much, okay?" you pressed your lips softly and lovingly against his. you felt him kiss back and you knew that the mention of his brother had caused an effect on him. "i love you, finn. don't cry." you murmured soothingly, stroking both of his cheeks.

"god, i love you so much." finn sighed, slowly wrapping his arms around you. "i wouldn't have been able to do this without you, y/n." he confessed.

you smiled, softly pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder. your right hand found comfort in the depths of finn's dark curls.

"seriously? right in front of my salad?" you heard nick's voice from behind you. the atmosphere became more light and both you and finn started laughing at the comment. "that's just fucking gross." nick finished the vine reference with a chuckle. "nah, i'm kidding. you guys are cute." after this comment, he glanced at finn's now marked collarbone. and he smiled.


the fact that finn wants to get a tattoo of nick is actually the sweetest thing ever, they have the cutest bond :,)

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