[ 10 ] caring !

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[ 10 ] caring !

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[ 10 ] caring !

" 'cause it's you who somehow is always the first to take care of me at my worst "


as the last bell of the day got closer and closer, your fingers were growing tired of rubbing at your temples. your head had started to hurt towards lunchtime and it had started to get unbearable. even the tiniest movement could result in infinite amounts of pain in your scalp, and you had to wait till you got home to take a pill and wait for it to work its magic.

when it finally did, you almost made the huge mistake of getting up quickly which would have increased the pain. so, instead, you started picking your stuff up very carefully.

however, a little smile made its way to your lips when you remembered who was gonna walk you home that day.

you pulled your phone out of your pocket and opened your conversations with finn (needless to say, you cringed at the light).

omw outside. my head rlly
hurts today lmaooo 😳😳

ten seconds later.

finn 👹✨
Yeah i figured. Today's your
longest day of the week babe :)

I had a hunch so i brought
you some aspirin and some
water ♥ am i the best or what?

your chest felt warm when you read the message. you bit back your smile, kind of forgetting about the pain for a second. but when you put your phone back in your pocket, the unbearable pain came back. you closed your eyes shut and pressed both of your fingers back against your temples, letting out a stressed out huff.

when you got out of the huge building you saw a tall lanky figure waiting, leaning against a tree. the excessively large hoodie (even for him) and the black cap gave him away right away. when he spotted you, he smiled.

you weakly returned the gesture as you walked towards where he was. you saw that he was holding a fresh water bottle.


you cut him off by wrapping your arms around him as you burried your face on his chest. your fingers gently gripped at the fabric of finn's article of clothing.

finn hugged back with a little snicker, his free hand going directly to your hair. "so that bad, huh?"

you just rubbed your nose against finn's hoodie, feeling incredibly at peace with his touch. it was almost like magic, it worked every damn time. "not so much anymore." you murmured.

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now