[ 11 ] feeling it !

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[ 11 ] feeling it !

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[ 11 ] feeling it !

" i don't know what love is, but i know i've never felt like this - your kiss is magic, like a circle, yeah, it's perfectness "


"so everything okay so far?" you asked finn as you sat on the couch that he had inside his trailer.

"yup, i guess it's going pretty good." the curly haired boy replied, sitting next to you as he handed a bag of chips to you. you smiled widely at the gesture, reaching out for a few of them. you had a week off from school so you decided you'd pay your best friend a visit to atlanta, georgia where he was shooting stranger things 3. they were barely a few weeks away from wrapping so everybody was making sure that everything went perfectly, it was usually like that. stressful yet fun.

and finn was so glad to have you there. more than he'd ever admit out loud, that was sure and certain.

"how long is this break, do you know?" you asked.

finn hesitated. "it's a twenty-minute break so it's not a lot but we've had shorter breaks." he shrugged with nonchalance. "so we have some time to just... hang out here. but hey, matt and ross love you so they'll totally let you sneak in to watch us." he smiled sweetly at you and you tried your hardest not to blush.

the thing is, finn was looking extra cute with his mike outfit on that particular day. mike's outfits in general were pretty adorable on finn because you knew he'd never wear things like that if it wasn't for the sake of his beloved show. "well, they better." you laughed smoothly, taking a single chip to your mouth.

without a warning, finn laid his head on your lap. you just chuckled at the gesture because he did that pretty often. it never failed to make you nervous, but still. he closed his eyes for a second before sighing and opening them again. "y/n/n, can i have your advice on something? something that i've been thinking about for a while now?"

you immediately perked up. "sure, tell me." you responded, tossing the bag of chips aside to give him your full attention.

"well, after the break i'm shooting this scene with mills, you know. and... it's pretty big." he said, biting his inner cheek. he's nervous. "because... eleven is gonna tell mike that she loves him." you let out a little gasp; no matter how much you liked finn, you were a sucker for mike and eleven. finn smiled at your reaction but kept talking. "and, you know, i'm a little freaked out." he confessed.

"how come?" you asked. "i mean, you already said the L word on the show and you did it wonderfully." you said, fighting the urge to bring your hand to his hair.

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