[ 19 ] changes !

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[ 19 ] changes !

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[ 19 ] changes !

" if we wake up and we wanna break up that's cool, no i won't blame you - it was fun, girl "


"hey finn, i dare you to give y/n a kiss on the mouth."

that was it. that's how it began. quincy's stupid dare was what changed everything.

finn's eyes widened at quincy's request and proceeded to punch him in the arm. "dude, seriously?" he laughed. "how old are you, eight?"

"oh come on, don't be chicken." quincy chuckled. "just a teeny tiny kiss on the mouth. she's alright with it, aren't you y/n?" he finally turned towards you for the first time since he had opened his mouth.

you rolled you eyes as well, only because you didn't know what else to do. sure, the idea didn't exactly thrill you but at the time you thought it couldn't be so bad. just a little kiss and it would be over, right?

"eh, whatever. get it over with." you chuckled, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible but you tried to smile so it wouldn't sound like you were dreading the idea.

finn scoffed at quincy before slowly scooting closet to you. "this is so stupid." he murmured to himself before looking at you. "you sure about this?"

you chuckled nervously. "whatever."

he shrugged. he took on sharp inhale and leaned in, connecting his lips with yours.

wow. this is... nice.

really nice.

super nice. both of your hands were on his shoulders. his lips were softly stroking yours, you felt your mouth melting along with his.

but finn pulling away slowly made you wake up from your dream. you opened your eyes quickly and licked your lips.

finn turned towards quincy. "there. happy?" finn said, his voice cracking mid-sentence.

the subject was dropped from that moment on. but you and finn certaintly didn't forget. later that evening, quincy left for the bathroom and that left you and finn alone in the living room.

you didn't know how or why it happened; all you knew was that when finn shot you a look, it was like a silent agreement. you both wanted to kiss each other again so bad you could tell by just one single look.

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now