[ 9 ] some snuggles !

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[ 9 ] some snuggles !

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[ 9 ] some snuggles !

" and when did our heartbeat beating too fast stop meaning it was worth the while? "


why did gym class exist? that was the question you asked yourself every friday after lunch.

the school owned this big and large gymnasium that was like an hour away from the school so they'd rent a bus for the grade to get there. you dreaded absolutely every aspect of it.

specially because you didn't really have any friends, at least not friends who'd think of you as the first choice to seat together while on the bus. it was the loneliest most boring hour of your entire week, and there was math class to cope with. so yes, that was saying a lot.

but this friday rolled around differently.

the thing about your school is that it was the school that finn wolfhard attended when he wasn't busy with filming or press or gigs. yes, the finn wolfhard. the dreamy 16 year-old boy that you wouldn't even dream of getting anywhere near to.

to you, he was from the nba and you were the muffin seller three blocks away from the stadium. way out of your league.

and yes, this was one of those times he was attending the school regularly and your hypocrite classmates would do nearly everything to get his attention and to make him believe that they were worthy of his friendship (you didn't think so but that was your opinion).

but as you were hopping on the bus with your gym bag as well and you sat on the first empty spot you could find, it didn't cross your mind that the only empty seat would be the one next to you, because it's the one that nobody dared to fill.

it was only when you saw his silhouette move towards you that it started to click. and suddently, your heart was beating unbelievably fast.

"uh..." he said. he literally has never spoken a word to me. you blushed. "can i... sit with you?" he asked.

you shrugged. "yeah, totally."

i spoke to him. i spoke to him!

he smiled weakly and took a seat next to you. you could already feel the warmth of your cheeks spreading to the rest of your face and neck but you were praying to god that he wasn't looking at you.

a couple of very awkward minutes went by where there was no word exchanged between the two of you. the only sounds you could hear were the engine of the vehicle and the snickers coming from your classmates who just thought it was hilarious that finn made you so damn nervous. some girls would even shoot him pity looks as if to say 'i'm sorry you had to sit with that one'. but finn didn't quite catch these gestures and if he did, he didn't show it.

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now