[ 7 ] touch starved !

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[ 7 ] touch starved !

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[ 7 ] touch starved !

" i am just a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great, you are such a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me "


very affectionate friendships can be so confusing because you don't know what the other person actually wants. whenever they'd hold you, you can't know wether it's friendly or it has a deeper meaning.

that was basically what happened between you and finn.

it was that kind of friendship that in a certain way, everyone would want to have; hugs and cuddles all the time. every time you saw each other, people had a hard time separating you two.

but feelings get in the way more often than not.

you've found yourself daydreaming about impossible (for you) scenarios such as having your head on his shoulder and then lifting it up so your lips would be barely a weak centimeter away from one another. and then you'd huff, covering your face and thinking why would i need anything else? and you seeemed to think that was a problem.

it was weird to say that you were 'touch-starved' because there was enough touching to begin with. but you were desperate for a touch that meant something more than just the usual.

most of your friends kind of caught up with your situation but didn't go too far on the teasing just because they didn't want to put pressure on any of you. but the eyebrow wiggling was still there, and it made you nervous.

at one particular ocasion, you were at a very loud party, jack's birthday party actually. and it was jaeden, jack, sophia, chosen, jeremy, wyatt, finn and obviously you. ever since you had met finn, you had grown incredibly close with the rest of the cast, specially sophia because she really needed some feminine presence when she was surrounded by boys the way she was.

everyone was sort of just chatting and the thing is, you all were sitting on the floor; your head was on finn's shoulder and finn had wrapped his  around your waist to pull you closer. it was very late, like 12AM, and you couldn't see finn but his eyes were closed and he had his cheek nestled in your hair.

something that you ignored just as quick as you had noticed it was that finn's heart was beating really fast like, deadly fast. you didn't really know this but having you so close to him freaked him out as much as he adored it. but, of course, everything was confusing.

the six other losers had learned to kind of ignore you guys because they didn't want to be annoying but you did catch them staring in the middle of an ongoing conversation and things like that.

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now