[ 8 ] escape !

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[ 8 ] escape !

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[ 8 ] escape !

" closer, let me whisper in your ear, say the words you long to hear - i'm in love with you "


you didn't think much when finn placed his hand on your knee while you, him and the stranger things gang were gathered in caleb's living room watching a movie, with all the lights off. he did that all the time, after all.

but when he started leaning against you, burrying his face in your neck, you were quick to guess what he was trying to do. and it wasn't the first time.

"finn, it's like the tenth time. we're not gonna leave again." you whispered.

"please?" he whispered in your ear. "i just feel like being with you tonight."

you sighed before biting your lip. when you said it was like the tenth time finn did this, it was no joke. every time you guys had the chance to hang out with your friends, both of you ended up leaving with some made-up excuse so you could just spend the night at your house.

but it wasn't just finn's fault; you caved every damn time. sometimes being alone with him was exactly what you needed and when he leaned against you like he was in that moment, it was all you could think about.

you sighed in defeat. "okay, but it's the last time. promise me it's the last time." you said.

"yeah, okay, i promise." finn said but both of you knew that was most likely a lie. "hey guys," finn said, this time louder for the gang to hear. "we have to go."

"how come?" caleb asked.

finn stayed silent for a couple of seconds. he clearly hadn't thought his actions through but, are we truly surprised?

so you had to step in. "finn promised he'd help me clean up my room. it's really messy so it needs two soldiers. plus, i promised my mom i'd do it like three weeks ago and if i delay it any longer, she'll kill me for real." you chuckled. you just had a way with words. "this has been fun though, we definitely have to meet up sometime next week." you said, politely as you held finn's hand in yours to get up.

"bye, everyone!"

"bye guys!"

and off you two were. you called an uber and you were on your way to your house.

finn carefully leaned against you like he had done on caleb's couch and you couldn't help but click your tongue. "can't you just hold off until we get to my place, you idiot?"

absolutely smitten ( finn wolfhard imagines )Where stories live. Discover now