[ 22 ] anxiety !

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[ 22 ] anxiety !

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[ 22 ] anxiety !

" with you i'm a beautiful mess, it's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge "


"so anxiety, huh?" nick said to you.

"yup." you replied, emphasizing the p contained inside the word.

you two were sitting on the couch of the living room that belonged to the wolfhard household. you had gotten there no more than fifteen minutes prior with the intention of talking to finn about this whole thing.

you had suspected it for a while now, and so had your family. today was just the day where a specialist in a white attire had looked at you in the eyes and told you that your theories were correct.

however, when you had knocked on the front door, nick was the one to open up. he was happy to see you of course, and when he asked the reason of your sudden visit, you couldn't help but want to tell him the whole thing.

you almost couldn't help but feel like this was more like a warm-up in order to prepare yourself to tell finn. because, in spite of what you had tried to convince yourself of, you were nervous about telling him.

one might say you were... scared.

"how do you think finn will react?" you blurted out unexpectedly. what nick thought mattered.

the olser wolfhard sibling forwned a little bit, looking taken aback by your concern. "finn? you mean, the kid who's been dealing with anxiety for years now? y/n, seriously, i guarantee you that he'll be great about it."

"you think?" you asked, trying to feel relieved. at the end of the day, very few people knew finn better than his nick.

"i am sure of it." he said, smiling. "y/n. he adores you. you know that, right?"

you nodded, with a shy smile threatening your lips. after all the times finn had told you how much he cherished you and loved you, it had become quite obvious that he felt it even more than his own self could imagine.

you took a deep breath before sighing. "i guess i'll go talk to him now, then." you announced as you got up from the couch.

"yeah, totally." nick responded. but he didn't let you live without giving you a big strong hug that you gladly recieved. "you're family, alright? we're all here if you need us, not just finn. there's nothing that we wouldn't do for you."

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