[ 14 ] celebration !

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[ 14 ] celebration !

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[ 14 ] celebration !

" well we busted out of class, had to get away from those fools - we learned more from the three-minute record, baby, than we ever learned in school "


it was 9:45PM on the 23rd of december, 2019. two hours away from the end of your boyfriend's birthday.

for you and finn, hanging out after his birthday party was almost like an umbreakable tradition, even before you two started going out.

during holiday season, there was this fair near finn's house with a lot of placed to eat and to buy stuff and usually you two would spend the last two hours of his birthday together. you'd look forward to it every year.

2019, of course, couldn't be any different.

most of your time together at the fair was spent walking around, looking at stuff but not buying anything, and stop to day hi to fans who wanted to wish finn a happy birthday and take a couple pictures more often than not. you, being the angel that you are, would offer to take those pictures.

once you started to get hungry, you bought nuggets and fries to share between the two of you.

and that's when your favorite part of the evening began.

you guys had started this routine a while ago, when you found this little park just next to the fair with a fountain right in front of it. the water glistened with the shining stars and it was a stunningly calm view.

so, naturally, once this spot was discovered, you'd finish your food there.

the night wasn't as cold as someone could expect from a winter night. it was rather warm, which was odd, but you two were determined to milk it for all it was worth.

soon, as you talked your way through the minutes, the food was finished. once your hands were free of anything, finn's hands found your waist and pulled you closer to him, your legs ending up on top of his. that usually mean he was getting sleepy so you just chuckled in response, placing one arm around his shoulders as you let your free hand rest on your knee.

"hey." you murmured, letting your hand go staight to his curls as you mindlessly played with them. finn only hummed in response, his face burried on the crook of your neck. "happy birthday." you smiled.

finn snickered under his breath. "thanks babe." soon enough, you felt a pair of lips leaving slow lazy kisses all over one side of your neck. you tilted your head up towards the dark night sky, letting finn get comfortable with what he was doing.

after a while, when you realized the sucking and the kissing didn't seem to be coming to an end, you spoke up. "that's gonna leave a mark, isn't it?" you teased him.

finn chuckled against your skin. "don't blame me. your neck calls to me, it's not something i can control." he excused himself, making you scoff. "no but seriously," he said, emphasising emphasizing his words with more and more kisses. "this neck... it's my favorite thing in the world..." he hummed contently against it.

you gake gasped, even though the compliment was close to making you blush. "my lips are extremely offended by that statement, but okay." you pretended to be outraged, as finn pulled away to tilt his head back and laugh loudly.

"you gooftball." he said, shaking his head in disbelief. after saying those words, he leaned in to connect your lips with his. you smiled against his mouth as you cupped his cheek with pne of your hands, deepening the kiss as you felt him rub your sides gently. after a minute he pulled away, almost leaving you breathless. "nothing tops your lips." he whispered, his breath tickling the sides of your mouth.

you chuckled, feeling your heart beating a million miles per hour. only he could make you feel so special, loved and cared for with the simplest of gestures. you looked at him for a couple seconds, all of the sudden scared of how badly you wanted to speak the words in your mind. but you decided you just had to. an early christmas present.

"i love you, finn."

there. the bomb had been dropped.

the words sunk in pretty quickly, to your relief. you were scared you'd have to go through the awkward silence that usually comes before the cruel rejection.

but he just smiled fondly at you, bringing one hand up to your face to ruck a strand of your y/h/c hair behind your ear. that goofy yet breathtaking smile never left his lips, not even when he spoke those magical words that you were terrified you'd never hear from him.

"i love you too, y/n. so much youu wouldn't even believe it." he cuckled before smashing his lips against yours once again in a bruising kiss, full of relief and also desperation.

you two kept mumbling under your breath the words 'i love you' to each other, never completely detaching your mouths. you suddently couldn't get enough of each other.

"you're the best birthday gift ever. seriously." finn said once it had been made perfectly clear that you two needed to take a breath. "you're incredible." he murmured, kissing your forehead gently.

you intertwined your fingers with finn's. "i know." you rolled your eyes playfully. but then you bit your bottom lip, hiding the most lovestruck smile you had ever let anyone witness. "god, i love you." you sighed, wrapping both of your arms around finn's neck in a hug. "happy birthday, asshole."

you heard him snort against your shoulder. "thank you. i love you so much."

you didn't think you'd ever get used to hearing him that.


well this turned out like shit :)

the 23rd is already over in my country but finn's currently celebrating according to what i've been seeing so

the 23rd is already over in my country but finn's currently celebrating according to what i've been seeing so

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i could never even begin to describe what this wonderful and hardworking boy means to me. he deserves every good thing this world has to offer, he deserves it more than anyone else ❤

happy birthday, finn. this silly and cheesy wattpad writer loves you like crazy :))) <3

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