[ 15 ] creeps !

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[ 15 ] creeps !

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[ 15 ] creeps !

" the performers deserving of standing ovation, and who would've thought it'd be the two of us? "


"i really don't understand why i let you guys drag me into this." you sighed in defeat as you and your three other friends got out of the bus and started walking.

"we're doing this for you, you know we couldn't care less about finn wolfhard." (friend 1) laughed as (friend 2) and (friend 3) joined her.

you bit your bottom lip, feeling torn about your decision to join their plan. what they wanted to do went against every principle that you had been following as a fan so far. guilt hugged your chest tightly, it was impossible to ignore, yet your feet kept moving.

"we're gonna look like weirdos, what makes you think he's even gonna come down?" you said.

(friend 3) chuckled. "the fact that we're gonna scream his name?" she said, very matter-of-factly.

your eyes widened. "what?!" now guilt was being replaced with panic. "there's no way in hell i'm letting you do that!" you exclaimed.

"we're gonna do it anyway." (friend 2) stated as you and the group approached the hotel. you stood in the sidewalk with them and for a second you didn't think they were gonna actually do it.

but then (friend 1) cleared her thoat and cupped her mouth with both her hands. she took a deep breath and-

"(friend 1)!" you shrieked, covering her mouth with both of your hands. the other teo were laughing their heads off but you were far from that stage. "this is insane! i'm not doing this." you uncovered (friend 1)'s mouth. "whatever sick thing you want to pull on me, i don't want it." you put your hands up in innocence. "i'm gonna meet him tomorrow at the con, i don't need this."

"but what's the big fucking deal?" (friend 3) rolled her eyes as she spoke, not helping very much with your increasing anxiety. "we just want you to have a nice encounter with him that doesn't have a time limit or money in the middle!"

it did sound nice with the appropriate words but it didn't make you feel even close to better. you pressed your fingers against your temples. "guys, i don't think you understand what we're doing. we're standing outside finn's hotel, waiting for him to get out. that's stalker behavior! we're creeps!" you felt your eyes water a little bit, only imagining finn considering you a creep. "i paid money to meet him tomorrow, okay? i'm gonna get a nice autograph, a dope picture and a big ass hug -which is more than i ever thought i'd get, by the way!- and that's that." you took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. your friends hadn't said a word but when they tried to speak, you cut them off. "no, listen, you know what? i don't want to hear it. i'm leaving, i'm going home-"

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