Chapter One

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Hello everyone! This is the third and final story for Ella and Dylan I hope you like it!

Don't forget to vote, comment and recommend to your friends it'll mean the world to me.


Ella didn't care much for what was going on around her at that moment not even when Bryan disappeared into the cockpit to speak with the pilot, all she cared about at that moment, was getting away from there, from Dylan and everything else that may remind her of his betrayal.

She sniffed suddenly, her hair mussed, nose red and eyes blotchy from crying. She sat curled up on the plush seat of the jet. Ella glanced up as Bryan re-entered, he went over to the bar and poured a drink.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" Ella said nothing in response and looked away. She remained silent for a while until finally she said in accusation. "I'll bet you're pleased with what happened, you must be cheering him on for what he did."

Bryan's gaze snapped up sharply, his mouth turned down in a frown. "You might think me a lot if things because i'm friends with Dylan and I know you might not believe me but i'm not proud of what he did."

Ella suddenly regretted her accusation and looked away again leaving him to sip his drink quietly. She'd thought he would put up a fuss when she demanded to come with him to the Philippines but he'd been accommodating and then she'd gone and accuse him of being in cohort with Dylan.

She was asleep a few minutes after they'd taken off having been both physically and emotionally drained.

It was hours later when Ella was been shaken awake as they landed. The drive back to Lucena was silent and drawn. Ella didn't know what she was going to do now that she's back but she had no energy left to think about what could be. How would she face her parents after all these? Ella thought disheartenedly they would be so heartbroken, especially her father, they all thought she was marrying the love of her life but now that it's all over she'd have to tell them the whole truth. An idea came to her just then and before she could think it through, she bloated that she wanted to go back to the pier.

"It's better to go home Ella." Bryan tried to talk her out of it.

"Take me to the pier please." Ella insisted.

"Are you sure?" Bryan was sceptical but it was her decision to make.

"I want to be alone. Please don't tell anyone i'm here." She implored.

"I don't think this is a good idea..."


Bryan sighed eventually and conceded. "Fine."

"Thank you."

A few minutes later he pulled over at the water front and Ella could see the shack standing at the water edge looking like it had risen out of the water.

"Take care of yourself. And if you need anything...anything at all don't hesitate to call me." Ella nodded wordlessly. She watched as Bryan got back into his car and drove off.

It was a good thing she found the key at the spot they always kept it and the lock opened with a tiny click. She lit an oil lamp and placed it on the dining table. It felt good coming back here but how long would she continue to hide?

No, she wasn't going to think about what she was going to do tonight there's always tomorrow.

Memories of all that transpired in the last twenty-four hours came flooding back and she found herself unable to hold back her tears. She thought she had none left after all the bawling she did but the pain felt fresh and it hurt so much. Ella could still feel herself holding her breath in anticipation like she had that night at the Champ Elysees in Paris.

I want you to trust me. Will you trust me Ella? Dylan had asked.

I want you.

How gullible she'd been, Ella thought bitterly. All those sweet words, the vacation in the lovely city, all those moments together had they all been a lie as well? Why did he make her fall in love with him if he was going to break her heart in such a cruel way?

Ella realised with a jolt that she'd finally admitted to herself that she was in love with Dylan and she wondered if it would've made a difference had she told him how she felt but now she would never know because his betrayal hurt too much to think of seeing him again. She lay curled up into a ball as tears licked from her eyes onto the bamboo bed she'd shared with Kristina, she cried some more until she was too tired to stay awake.

Ella stumbled down the wooden steps of the bedroom, her eyes red and puffy as she got to the door and pulled it open, she was not surprised to see Bryan as he had made it abundantly clear last night that he wasn't happy about her being here all alone.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning. Why are you here? I'm so embarrassed that you have to see me like this." Ella mumbled.

"I brought breakfast." Bryan announced ignoring her remark. "I figured since you hadn't had anything to eat last night you must be very hungry." Her stomach let out a monstrous growl at the mention of food and Ella realised how hungry she was, if Bryan heard the growl he didn't make any comment as he pushed past her and proceeded to set the table then he wheeled her forcefully onto the chair and placed a serving of rice in front of her and shoved the spoon into her hand.

"You must eat or i'll be forced to tell your parents how you've been hiding out here."

"Do you guys always have to get what you want by threatening and blackmailing people?" Ella remarked.

Bryan looked stunned as he realised what he'd implied. "I'm sorry if I upset you..."

"It's okay I know you didn't mean anything by it." She studied him carefully then asked. "Why are you doing this?"

Bryan sat across from her. "I know that I haven't been fair to you from the start so I want to make things right."

Thinking back to the time she met Bryan, Ella noticed he hadn't particularly been antagonistic or judgmental but he wasn't accommodating either.

"Shall we start over? My name is Bryan Cervantes." A smile touched her lips for the first time since last night and it was refreshing.

"Elenora Garcia." Ella felt a weight being lifted off her chest and she ate her food with renewed gusto. 

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