Chapter Six

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       "Bryan you startled me!" Ella placed a hand against her chest at the sight of Bryan just as she was locking up the café. "What are you doing here?"

"I had a feeling something was wrong so here I am." he smiled kindly. Ella searched his face for any hint of a joke but was surprised that he was actually serious.

"Are you a magician or something?" She jokingly asked through her raspy voice.

"I'm simply a friend who cares." he said. "Come, i'll take you somewhere you'll feel better." he assured her. It was a bit unnerving to have him show up at the moment she was having a breakdown but Ella must admit that she was beginning to see him as a pillar of strength. She didn't protest then as she got into his car and he brought them to the park and took something long from the back seat of the car that vaguely looked like a golf club. Bryan made her sit down and opened the bag where he took out a guitar.

"I didn't know you played the guitar."

"I've played it all my life. Whenever I feel particularly depressed or frustrated I play it and after that i'll feel better again." he explained.

"Do you feel depressed right now?"

"No, but my friend is and I want to make her feel better."

Ella was touched and felt eager to hear him play. His fingers plucked the strings slowly before it fell in tune and Ella listened with rapt attention.

The song was filled with emotion and it made her think of moments with Dylan that hurt and before she knew it she was sobbing and the song stopped abruptly.

"I'm sorry," she apologised, frantically wiping the tears trailing down her cheeks. "I don't know what's wrong with me i'm not normally so emotional." Bryan discarded the guitar on the ground beside him and gathered her in his arms she let him embrace her and accepted his support. "You know I told Dylan that I never wanted to see him again, but why does it hurt so much?"

"That's because you love him." Bryan told her.

Ella knew that but she was helpless to do anything about it, this feeling was foreign to her and she didn't know how to handle all the hurt. After her tears abated and she was more calmer Ella pulled away from Bryan and attempted to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I ruined your shirt!" She cried in alarm at the mess her tears made on his shirt.

"Don't worry about it." Bryan dismissed with an amused chuckle but Ella didn't look particularly pleased as she realised she'd dragged him into her problems.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into my problems."

"Ella you didn't drag me into it i'm just glad to be here for you." Ella stared up at him and saw no hint of malice and she smiled as tears gathered in her eyes once more.

Bryan sat them both down and handed her his handkerchief.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it. Do you feel better now?"

"I think so. You know I never would've thought i'd have you on my side. Thank you Bryan," Ella admitted sincerely. "You could've sided with Dylan because he's your friend and yet here you are, I hope this doesn't affect your friendship."

"No on the contrary. You two have found something great with each other and i'd hate for it to end this way."

They ate some boiled eggs and Ella had fun the rest of the night.

A VERGARA'S LOVE (The Young Billionaires #3)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now