Chapter Fourteen

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        "Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Ella groaned as Eileen pushed aside the drapes and her eyes were assaulted by the rays of the morning sun. "Eileen please go away." She grumbled.

"There are flowers here for you." She sang with a wiggle of her brows. Ella cracked her eyes open and spied the beautiful bouquet of Aster flowers. How dare Blake send her flowers? Her favourite nonetheless. She was about to ask Eileen to throw them in the garbage before she announced, "Look, there's a note."

"What does it say?"

"It's a new day, never stop smiling, love D. Who's D?" Eileen raised curious brows.

Before Ella knew it she bolted out of bed and snatched the note. As she read it again and again a grin broke out of her face. She reached for the bouquet and inhaled its scent deeply. Of course there was no one else who would send her aster flowers.

"So, are you going to tell me who's D?" Eileen folded her arms and waited curiously.

"Mind your own business." Ella told her sternly albeit with no malice.

"Alright I won't meddle." Eileen raised both of her hands in mock surrender.

They were both ready for class thirty minutes later and Ella felt her spirit uplifted ever since the flowers arrived, she'd been especially cranky when he didn't show up at the airport but this made her feel better.

"Ella wait." She stopped reluctantly in her tracks out in the hall as the familiar irritating voice called. She thought they wouldn't be seeing each other throughout today what rotten luck she has. Ella waited as Blake jogged towards her, he didn't seem so sure of himself.

"About yesterday," he said carefully choosing his words. "I realised that I was too forward and presumptuous, not to mention insulting. I never should've said all that." he said in what could only be an apology.

Ella studied him for a moment and decided that he was being sincere.

"It's okay as long as you realise your mistakes."

"Can we maybe have dinner friends of course?"he quickly added the last part when he saw Ella frown.

"We barely know each other." She explained.

"As acquaintances then?"

Ella could sense he was trying too hard to make up for his unfair accusations but she didn't want to give him even a tinge of hope. Blake seemed like a really nice guy but he was also impulsive and that could get him into trouble.

"I'm sorry Lake but I can't have dinner with you."

He looked hurt but tried to make it appear like it wasn't such a big deal that she blew him off. "I get it."

"I'm really sorry."

"No it's no problem."

"I hope things won't be awkward between us from now."

"I'll try to maintain professional boundaries. So i'll see you around?"

"Sure." Ella said and watch him leave.

The week passed by swiftly. Blake kept his word and the only thrill of it was the bouquets she received everyday for the whole week.

"I wish I could get someone who thinks about me all the time. You're really lucky girlfriend, your husband is a romantic through and through." Eileen gushed and Ella flushed an adorable pink. When Eileen had continued to pester her about who D was, Ella had no choice but to tell her the truth. It was the first time Ella had actually openly referred to Dylan as her husband and it had a nice ring to it. "Whatever it is he'd done, I think he's doing a nice job of making up for it."

He is, Ella admitted.

She made a call home and was happy to hear her parents voices including Kristina's. She missed them all and kept counting days when they'd all be together again.

"Don't forget the pictures ate." Kristina reminded.

Ella smiled "I won't."

After she hung up, she didn't hold out her next call and the sound of his voice sent delicious tingles down her toes.

"How is Paris? Did you get my messages?" Dylan asked.

"Every last petal of it."

"Good. It's just to let you know that i'm thinking about you, always. I miss you Ella."

Ella smiled. "I miss you too." She admitted.

"I'm counting the days until I see you again." Dylan told her. Ella knew she was looking forward to seeing him again too.

"Do you think maybe you could cut down on the flowers?" because frankly, she'd ran out of space to accommodate them all.

"Why ever will I do that? I want to make sure you don't forget about me."

With or without the flowers Ella didn't think she'd be able to forget him, he'd clawed into her heart and laid siege and captured her hook, line and sinker.

"I love you Ella." he said finally and hung up before she had the chance to respond.

I love you too. She whispered.

Ella couldn't believe she was finally one step in reaching her dreams. Everything was happening so fast she wished she could take a moment to savour it a little while longer. The teachers and students at the culinary school were extremely kind and attentive Ella had even made a few friends including her perky room mate Eileen. It was two weeks to Christmas and the entire class were out for a picnic. Lights were everywhere; it was afterall the city of light, and it all looked pretty romantic.

As she walked through the Champ Elysees with her fellow students, Ella realised she no longer hurt whenever something reminded of Dylan and it felt like it was just yesterday when they'd both took a walk along the stunning boulevard and he'd asked her to trust him. So many things had changed, she realised with a jolt that she wanted to give their marriage a chance, she was sure Dylan wants the same thing if the flowers she received everyday for the past three months was evidence enough. With each note that accompanied the bouquets Ella felt her feelings grow stronger and she was more confident, he'd told her that he'd wait for her no matter how long it takes that the bouquets were only to remind her that he was always thinking of her, well she was always thinking of him too and she couldn't wait to tell him that.

As they said their goodbyes and Ella retired to her room she'd already made a decision, she was going to surprise Dylan for Christmas and she just couldn't wait to see his reaction.

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