Chapter Ten

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"Please don't do this Bianca." Dylan halted in front of his mother's office. It was locked but he could still make out Idad's voice. He knew it was inappropriate to eavesdrop but his curiosity got the better of him. He placed his hand on the doorknob and twisted ever so quietly until he could finally hear clearly their heated discussion.

"I was very clear from the beginning," his mother said. "If you feel that you can no longer obey my orders then you're free to leave."

"I know that there's no justification for what I did all those years ago and I know that you're still angry with me but I am still your mother and Dylan is my grandson you can't ask me to leave just like..."

"Dylan!" Doña Bianca's eyes rounded in surprise and Dylan was vaguely aware of pushing the door all the way and making his presence known. He glanced between the two woman in disbelief.

"Did I hear right?" he was facing his mother as he demanded. "Idad is my grandmother?"

Doña Bianca cast a disdainful glower at Idad. "This is what you wanted to happen right? You want everyone to see how righteous you are and that I am a heartless woman well then so be it." She bit out tersely and left the room.

"Idad?" the old woman was sobbing uncontrollably. Dylan covered the space between them and took both her hands.

"You really are my grandmother?" She nodded wordlessly.

"I'm so sorry." She cried.

"I don't understand, what could be the reason that my mother treats you so badly."

"It's not her fault, I made your mother the heartless woman she is today. All of that bitterness and anger she harbours is because of me."

"That's impossible Idad you could never hurt a fly, at least not intentionally." Dylan led her to the kitchen and got her a glass of water then after she calmed down Dylan listened as she recounted the whole story.

It was overwhelming what he learnt today. Dylan felt suffocated that he decided to go for a drive. How could they hide something so serious from him like he was a stranger? He felt so angry he wanted to punch something. He drove around for a while and before he knew it he found himself in front of the coffee shop and he didn't think twice. He saw Ella and it was like she could see through his very soul. Wordlessly she led him into the store room and it felt like it was ages ago when he'd demanded she sign his contract right where they were standing.

If he could turn back time Dylan knew he would want to erase every single thing that brought them to this moment. He couldn't help himself and pulled her in a tight embrace.

"I know I promised to stay away but I need someone to talk to right now." he mumbled. Ella didn't say a word and held on to him a while longer.

"What happened?" She asked when he pulled away.

"You won't believe it. I just found out Idad is my grandmother." She didn't look surprised which left him puzzled.

"I know." She admitted.

"You do? When? How long?"

"A week ago when she fell and I went to see her. I'm sorry for not telling you the truth sooner but Idad made me promise not to say anything." She explained.

She thought he would get mad but Ella was surprised when he said, "I understand. And I'm ecstatic about the fact that she's my grandmother but I'm just so furious at them especially my mom for forbidding Idad to tell me the truth. I'm especially furious at the fact that all these time she's been working as a maid in her own house when we could've been a family."

"You must understand that it couldn't have been easy for the both of them." Ella tried to be reasonable.

"Idad told me the entire story." he said. "My grandfather was an abusive man and he would often hit her for the slightest mistakes, then one day she got tired of the abuse and decided to leave but he forbade her from taking my mom so she left thinking that he loved my mom and wouldn't think of hurting her but she'd thought wrong and my mom paid the price for Idad leaving that's why she's so bitter about, she wants Idad to suffer as much as she had all those years ago."

"That's awful." Ella commented.

"I know. I love them both Ella and it hurts me to see them like this."

Ella reached out and covered his hand with hers comfortingly. "Why don't you talk to your mother and try to make her understand that Idad didn't mean to leave her behind."

Dylan smiled affectionately. "I'll do just that. Thank you for listening Ella."

She smiled back.

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