Chapter Five

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Ella was glad to get her old job back, it felt refreshing to get back into a familiar routine. Mr Chen was sceptical at first because he was reluctant to let go of the new girl Miranda who had taken over after Ella's wedding but in the end he decided to let all three of them stay.

Ella was determined to not let anything get in the way of her moving on but she kept making mistakes and mixing up orders; it's a good thing Mr Chen was hardly ever seen at the coffee shop or he'd have lost his faith in her. Lani had to send her out for some fresh air.

"Maybe you should stay back for a while Ella." Lani suggested.

"I can't Lani, I need to move on, I need to work so I don't go crazy." Ella admitted.

"See, that's the whole point, you can't keep working yourself to oblivion and pretend like nothing happened you'll end up getting sick."

"Don't argue with me Lani i'm not in the mood." Ella snapped suddenly.

"Fine suit yourself." Lani huffed and went back to work leaving a remorseful and frustrated Ella.

For hours she worked, this time she was extra careful to not lose her head or make silly mistakes. It was closing time and they were arranging the chairs and tables and all Ella could think of was that moment when Dylan had walked into the coffee shop for the first time and bullied her, it felt like it was yesterday. The anger she'd felt was almost tangible and it was that day, in that particular moment when he'd prevented her fall as she tripped on a discarded mop, that Ella knew she was irrevocably attracted to him and maybe that was also when she'd started falling for him. Then, despite her indifference it didn't hurt so much as when Jason rejected her five years ago.

Both Lani and Miranda had left thirty minutes ago but Ella didn't feel like going any where just yet. Suddenly she felt a shift in the atmosphere and knew she wasn't alone anymore, her instinct screamed its recognition at her and Ella knew who it was even before she turned around.

Dylan was standing there in a green T-shirt and jacket over a washed out jeans looking as handsome and breathtaking as ever but he also looked undeniably miserable just as she was.

"What are you doing here?" Ella demanded through the lump in her throat, she wanted nothing but to go to him and hug him and put them both out of their misery but it wasn't as simple as that. Yet she wished it were.

"I just want to talk Ella."

She hesitated, then without a word she offered him a chair and made them both coffee then she sat across from him.

"How are you?" he asked moments later.

"I think you know the answer to that question. If you don't have anything more to say I suggest you leave."

"You have no idea how the guilt of what i've done to us is eating me up inside. Please come back Ella, I love you and I miss you so much."

Ella swallowed hard and blinked back the tears stinging her eyes. "You're going to have to do better than that Dylan." She pointed. "All you ever did was lie to me and I could never trust you again. You have no idea how much you've hurt me by what you did. Was she worth it?"

"It wasn't all about getting revenge Ella because you've come to mean so much to me..."

"Stop. I don't want to hear it anymore." because if he continued to tell her all the stuff she wanted to hear Ella might just forget about how much she was hurting right there just seeing him.

"What do I do to make this better?"

They both stared at each other as Ella struggled to get words past the huge lump in her throat what she said in response wasn't what her heart actually wanted but they needed some space.

"Stay away from me and never show your face to me again."

Dylan blanched, he didn't want to be away from her but what choice did he have?

"Is that what you want?" he swallowed hard.

"Yes." She looked away.

Dylan nodded.

"Then you have my word." Dylan stood up stiffly. "Thank you for the coffee." he said and then he was gone.

It felt like her heart was breaking all over again but Ella knew it was for the best, at least she hoped it was. She tried to stop herself from crying all over again but she couldn't stop the tears.

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