Chapter Twenty

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Dylan paced about his room nervously. He was having dinner with Ella tonight and he was feeling restless about it. It's not that he was worried she might change her mind on the contrary, he'd never been more sure of anything in his life and yet he couldn't shake off this feeling that something was wrong. His apprehension hightened when he couldn't get through to her.

It was silly actually because he'd called her a few hours ago and confirmed that she was on her way to the coffee shop. Maybe if he saw her Dylan would be more calm.

He'd dismissed Jonathan earlier today as he'd insisted on driving himself. Dylan drove to the café and he saw both Miranda and Lani but Ella was no where in sight. Apprehension slithered it's way up his guts but Dylan sqelched it. She must be in the store room.

"Lani is Ella here?"

"No I thought she was with you." Lani informed him.

"I called her this morning and she told me she was on her way here." Dylan insisted.

"I haven't seen her today either. Said Miranda.

Panic jammed in Dylan's throat and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Cold fear slithered down his spine.

"Have you tried calling her?" Lani asked.

"Yes. Her phone is switched off."

"Then call her parents." Miranda suggested.

Dylan whipped out his phone with lightning speed and said a silent prayer as Adele picked the call.

"Is Ella there?"

"No she left for the coffee shop this morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Did something happen to my daughter?" Adele demanded frantically.

"Uh, i'll call you back Mrs Adele."

Dylan hung up and ran agitated fingers into his hair. "Ella's not at home either."

"Oh God I hope nothing bad has happened to my friend." Lani cried.

Dylan made a call to each one of his friends and explained his concern all that's left to do is to inform Ella's parents but how to go about it?

An hour later they were all gathered at Ella's place waiting.

"Who could possibly want to harm my daughter?" Eduardo said, his voice filled with sorrow.

Dylan paced restlessly about the large living room having a death grip on Ella's shattered cell phone. He'd found it lying just outside the gate and it was proof that she'd struggled with whoever grabbed her and the phone must've slipped from her grip then. They all had a cause to be worried, Dylan couldn't console himself much less offer Eduardo the same he had no idea who could possibly have Ella or whether it was a kidnapping for ransom. Idad had called several times already and surprisingly so had his mom who didn't seem to like Ella at all but Dylan was glad she cared enough to ask about her well-being. Doña Bianca's relationship with Idad wasn't in the stage Dylan would call great but okay was a good start.

The police arrived just then.

"Mr Vergara I can assure you that we are doing everything we possibly can." the police chief informed.

"My wife has gone missing for God's sakes and all you can tell me is that you're doing what you possibly can?" Dylan thundered. "Do I need to tell you how to do your job?"

"Calm down Dylan getting angry won't solve anything." Bryan pointed placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I can understand your aggression Mr Vergara but we need to wait this out for now. We've already ascertain that this was a kidnapping we just have to wait for a ransom call." the chief explained.

Dylan wasn't sorry he snapped he just got Ella back there's no way he was going to lose her.

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