Chapter Eighteen

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Ella's heart was in her throat as she approached the place Bryan told her she could find Dylan. After the brief conversation she had with Bryan Ella knew she'd have to salvage her relationship in person and so she booked the first flight out, now here she was. Whatever they would talk about might make or break their relationship and Ella wasn't mentally prepared for another heart break. She instructed the taxi driver to stop at the address Bryan gave her and Ella got out. Because she hadn't been in the right state of mind since she left Paris Ella hadn't told her parents she was coming home and had drove here straight from the airport. She inhaled and exhaled slowly. She'd never been so afraid of losing anything in her life as much as she does now. After her little pep talk, she started towards the house then froze in her spot as she saw Dylan's car pull to a stop in front of the house. The smile that was making its way up her lips froze on her face when she saw him pull the car door open and none other than Savannah stepped out. Ella gasped in surprise as Dylan's ex-girlfriend smiled and said something to him then she watched in utter shock as she placed her hand in the crook of his arm. Ella felt the pin prick of tears in her eyes as she watch them disappear into the house. She was unable to breathe amid the surge of emotion that threatened to smother her. This cannot be happening Ella thought as she felt like she was going to faint. Tears licked from her eyes.

So this was it, he was leaving her because his true love is finally here. Ella couldn't take anymore so she went back and climbed into the taxi.

When she got home no one was there but Bryan was waiting at the gate and he demanded to know what happened.

"It's over." She said simply swiping the tears that rolled down her cheeks furiously.

"You can't possibly mean that Ella." Bryan followed her into the living room.

"He loves her not me." Ella said as she reached into her bag and found the divorce papers, it felt like her heart was breaking into a million pieces.



"Ella don't be rash and do something you'll regret." Bryan begged.

"Why would I regret it? Didn't you hear what I said? He loves Savannah not me."

Bryan snatched the pen from her.

"I won't let you do this Ella. You don't know the whole truth." he insisted.

"What truth?" she yelled in aggravation.

"It's always been you from the very beginning."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you should sit down for this." he said but Ella eyed him sceptically and sat down anyway then Bryan told her the whole truth about what happened five years ago and the yacht that had her name on it.

"Dylan what are you doing here?" Jason looked surprised at the sight of Dylan.

"I've decided that I'm not going to fight you over Ella anymore and all these animosity, I want it to stop because I want my best friend back." Jason looked taken aback.

"Dylan what are you saying?"

"I'm giving up Ella i've filed for an annulment. She's all yours now. Take care of her Jason because she's special." it took every ounce of courage Dylan could muster to say that.

"You can't do that." Jason argued. "And why are you telling me to take care of Ella?"

"Don't you love her?"

"I do but..." Jason cupped the nape of his neck. "Ella doesn't love me, she loves you." admitted finally.

"I saw you two kiss."

"I kissed her but she told me she doesn't love me. It's you Dylan."

It took a moment for Jason's admission to sink in and Dylan didn't know what he was feeling at that moment.

"You're lying to me right now aren't you?"

Jason smiled in spite of himself. "I wish I were lying Dylan but i've realised that you two deserve to be happy."

"So you're not angry?"

"To be honest, i'm also tired of this back and forth and I want my best friend back too. As complicated as it is you can't teach your heart who to love but I guess time will heal all wounds as they say right?"

"You don't know how happy you just made me."

"I can guess."

They both laughed and hugged each other and Dylan felt a renewed sense of determination as he realised that Paris awaits him as well as the woman he loves who equally loves him back.

After Bryan left, Ella was still not convinced about all he said to her but she couldn't deny what was so obvious. She gathered all the notes Dylan had sent her in Paris and compared the handwriting with the one from five years ago and a soft gasp of disbelief escaped her delectable lips as every piece of truth began to fall into place; the boat he told her was named after his grandmother which was actually named after her, Ella, he had called her beautiful and bought her flowers, he'd kissed her like he never wanted to forget the feel of her lips against his, but why didn't he say anything? Ella wondered, and then she bolted from the room and almost collided with Kristina at the door.

"Ate you're back!" Kristina cried in surprise but then seemed to catch on that something wasn't right. "Where are going in such a hurry?"

"I don't have time to explain right now Kristina can you tell mom and dad that I'll be back soon?" before Kristina could respond, Ella was already out the door. She cussed as she saw the clouds gathering and there were no tricycles in sight then it began to drizzle lightly but Ella had come a long way to turn back now she needed to see him, to tell him how much she loves him. And then she began to run with renewed determination, Bryan's words echoed in her head; "Dylan was deeply hurt when he realised that you liked Jason, he went abroad after that and he met Savannah and began to fall in love with her but she betrayed him with Jason. Imagine how furious he was after that, and then you showed up in his life again and Dylan didn't know what to do with his feelings because you had feelings for Jason." her lungs burned from exertion but Ella carried on for it felt like something untoward might happen if she allowed the situation to simmer.

Dylan cursed the blasted weather and his bad luck. The pilot had told him that it would be unsafe to travel in the storm. Dylan had wanted to be stubborn and demand that they brave the weather; he'd been patient long enough and couldn't afford to waste anymore previous time, but somewhere at the back of his mind he knew he wouldn't be any good to Ella if he ends in the hospital with tubes all over him or worse he could end up dead and he decided that it was better to wait it out.

The raucous pounding at the door jerked him out of his thoughts and Dylan's eyes rounded in surprise when he saw her at the door with her hair and clothes all wet from the rain.


He was lost for words.

Here he was lamenting over the fact that he couldn't fly to Paris to see her but here she was right in front of him and he couldn't contain his mirth as he threw his arms around her and embraced her tightly.

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