Chapter Seven

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      "How are you feeling Idad?" Ella asked as she got into the room and sat at the edge of the bed and took hold of Idad's frail hand.

"I'm fine my dear there's no need for you to do all these." Idad complained referring to the pottage Ella brought.

"What do you mean there's no need? I want to take care of you just like you took care of me in Putrajaya when I got a fever remember?"

"I remember all that, but you're forgetting one thing though."

"What's that?"

"Dylan was the one who took care of you dear, he was up all night just to make sure you were okay. I've never seen such devotion."

Ella looked away, no matter how hard she tried to not think about him or talk about him she finds herself surrounded by things and people who reminded her of him and who wouldn't stop talking about him.

Idad placed her bony hand on Ella's soft ones forcing her to look at the older woman.

"I know how much he's hurt you dear but I also know how much he loves you. Can you not find it in your heart to forgive him?" Idad stared up at her expectantly.

It's been a few weeks since her emotional breakdown at the park, albeit she still hurt but not as much. "Perhaps time will tell where we stand in this." She said.

"I understand."

"Enough talk now have your pottage before it gets cold. Let me get you a plate and spoon from the kitchen."

"There's no need to I can do it." Idad insisted stubbornly.

"What you need to do is rest." Ella reminded and was gone from the room.

She still remembered the way to the kitchen and immediately dished out the pottage then placed it on a tray and started to leave the kitchen when she almost ran headlong into Dylan at the door. Ella gave a cry of surprise, Dylan's hands snaked out purely on instinct holding her in place and shielding the tray ladened with food.

"Are you okay?" he demanded with his hands still on her shoulders as he searched her face.

"I'm fine." her heart was beating too fast and he was too close for comfort because she found she was unable to think when he's near so she shook off his hands and took a tentative step back but Dylan must've gotten it all wrong because he suddenly looked hurt at her cold dismissal.

Dylan reluctantly let his hand fall to his side as they continued to stare at each other. Meeting here suddenly after she'd told him to stay away was overwhelming. A part of her had wanted him to be stubborn and insist on seeing her but she found herself feeling irritated that he'd kept his word. She couldn't have it both ways. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"I was bringing Idad some pottage." She explained. Dylan didn't spare the tray a glance and Ella was concious of his eyes on her.

"You look good." he remarked simply and Ella found herself growing hot in reaction.

"I have to get this to Idad before it gets cold." She stammered out And sidestepped him. For a second there he looked like he was going to stop her but he seemed to think better of it.

Ella could still feel the heat of his hand on her shoulders as she fed Idad the pottage.

"You look distracted is anything wrong?" Idad observed.

"No nothing's wrong."

Ella helped her to the bathroom fifteen minutes later and began to make the bed when she pulled out a photo beneath the pillow. Her brows furrowed as she got a good look at it and realised that it was a photo of Doña Bianca holding a newborn in her arms and smiling down adorably at him. Ella's eyes widened as understanding came to her; the newborn was no other than Dylan. But why would Idad have this and why was she hiding it? Ella remembered the conversation she had with Idad and the woman's subtle clues, her immense affection for Dylan...Then it hit her, of course she thought, how could she have not figured this out before?

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