Chapter Eleven

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Ella fiddled with her cell phone and wondered if she should call Dylan or not. She was worried about him and wanted to know how he was doing after their conversation last night. She sighed in frustration and tossed the phone onto her bed and then proceeded to get ready for work.

"Ate ate!" Kristina burst into the room suddenly. "Goodnews!"

"What is it?" She mumbled with disinterest.

"You got a letter from Paris."

Ella's hand froze midway reaching into the wardrobe, her heart was pounding furiously across her rib cage as she whipped around to face Kristina whose face was bright as sunshine and Ella deduced that it could only mean one thing...

Ella snatched the paper from her nosy sister then impatiently scanned its contents and she was hooked at congratulation... she let out an ear splitting shriek. "I got the scholarship!"

"That's what i've been trying to tell you!" Ella had forgotten about the application she'd sent to a culinary school in Paris right before she got married to Dylan, she couldn't believe she actually got in.

"What's all the shouting about?"

Her mother and father suddenly appeared at the door. Ella beamed at them. "Mom, dad i'm finally going to Paris I got the scholarship!"

"Really?" Adele's face lit up with joy and so did Eduardo's. "Oh this is a dream come true!"

"I'm so proud of you anak." her father said and they all hugged each other happily.

"But ate where will you get the money for the flight ticket?" Kristina said out of the blue and all the happiness seeped out of them like air from a deflated balloon.

"You're right about that." her mother said.

"I have some money saved up." Ella quickly assured them even when that was a lie. She didn't want to make them worry, as it is there was Kristina's school expenses to worry about she would just figure this one out.

"Are you sure it would be enough?" her father asked.

"Don't worry father i've got it all covered." Ella hated lying to him but she just had to.

"I'm so proud of you my friend! You've been waiting so long for this day." Lani gushed.

"I'm so happy right now you can't imagine."

"Of course I can imagine." Ella laughed. Sometimes she forgets how well Lani knew her.

"My savings is all yours you don't need to ask." Lani said.

"I can't possibly take that Lani." how could she when Lani's got no one but her brother Eli whom she's now responsible for.

"Why not? it's from my heart and don't you dare refuse."

"I just did." Ella said as a matter-of-fact. "I appreciate that you want to help me but that is your entire life's savings and you need to save up some more so Eli can go back to school he can't continue to be a bus driver."

"You're right." Lani let out a defeated sigh.

"Of course i'm right. I love you you know that right?" Ella smiled.

"Of course." Lani smiled back and they embraced each other.

Ella worked her butt off for the next few days like she had before her marriage to Dylan. She lied on her bed and gazed at the ceiling wondering how she'd be able to come with so much money for her flight ticket. She'd come so far and she wasn't about to give up now that her dream was within her grasp. Her phone buzzed suddenly startling her out of her thoughts.

"Lani what's wrong?"

"Ella we're swamped you need to come down here asap!" Lani yelled into the mouth piece.

"Are you sure?" Ella glanced at her wrist watch, it was only 6:30 p.m and she couldn't imagine customers flocking in on a boring Wednesday.

"Why would I lie to you huh?"

"Alright," Ella grumbled. "I'm on my way." She hung up and ran to the bathroom to freshen up a bit then she all but ran out of the house. Both Adele and Eduardo are away visiting a sick friend and Kristina's at her classmate's doing some homework.

Ella paid for the tricycle ride and dashed to the coffee shop. She pushed the door open only to be assaulted by loud cries of surprise! Her jaw almost dropped to the floor as she was sprayed with confetti and different voices sang happy birthday out of tune. She couldn't believe any of it was actually happening.

"Make a wish and blow out the candles." Kristina smiled brightly. Ella couldn't believe they'd lied to her; her mother and father, including Lani. She didn't argue but blew out the candles and they all applauded. Ella was close to tears at the gathering: Bryan, Dominic and Ethan were there as well as Miranda, Lani, Kristina and both her parents.

"I can't believe you all did this. Thank you this is the best birthday ever."

"Uhhh." Miranda gushed.

"We have a present for you." Ella took the envelope Bryan handed her and tore it open. She gasped in shock.

"Your dream awaits you." he said.

"Paris awaits you." Ethan grinned.

Ella felt tears of joy run down her cheek and grinned through her tears at the kind gesture, she never would've imagined that the three people who happened to dislike her no so long ago were waiting in line to see her happy. First it was the surprise birthday party and now the plane was just too much.

"How did you know?" she didn't remember telling them about the culinary school in Paris.

"We have our way plus, we can be very persuasive." Bryan said.

"I don't know what to say." She was still reeling from the surprise she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"Just say thank you Ella and accept it, this is the perfect opportunity you've been waiting for for so long." Lani told her.

"But this is just too much." Ella insisted.

"My daughter is right this is too much." her father put in.

"Come on Eduardo, this is an opportunity for Ella to do what she's always wanted. Please let her." Adele pleaded.

"Yes dad Ella should take it." Kristina put in.

"Plus, it's a great opportunity to get away from the melodrama for a while." Dominic chimed for the first time.

"Don't think it's for free though," Ethan said. "I would love to be the first person to taste your gourmet cooking before it's served to anyone else deal?" they all laughed making light of the situation.

"Deal." Ella agreed. "Thank you so much, this is the best birthday gift i've ever received."

"Alright enough melodrama I want some cake!" Kristina protested.

"Ella I need you to come somewhere with me." Bryan said pulling her aside.

"Why? Where are you taking me?"

"You just have to trust me." Ella didn't like the sound of it but he'd already proven that she could trust him.

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