Chapter Fifteen

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"Here's your coffee sir."

"Thank you Valerie...damn it!" Dylan cussed in surprise as the entire mug of tepid liquid was dumped on him.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" Valerie cried in horror. Dylan leapt out of his chair as he prepared to give her an earful but the sight of her big eyes filled with tears had him feeling sorry for her, he sighed. "Don't cry, it's just coffee." he told her. "Don't worry about it."

"At least let me clean the shirt for you." She said tearfully.

"You don't have to do that."

"Please, don't let Doña Bianca fire me because of this."

"My mom won't find out about this I can assure you."

"Thank you for you assurance sir Dylan but I insist on cleaning the shirt for you." Dylan shook his head and knew that if he didn't let her do what she wants she would continue to pester him and he had a lot to do before his flight to Paris tomorrow night. He took off his shirt and handed it to her. "Satisfied?" he asked as he took his seat. Valerie stammered out a response and scurried out of the room.

Dylan quickly made a call to Jonathan to arrange the company jet. After he ended the call, Dylan sat supine, a satisfied smile on his face. He'd been holding back for far too long now, he misses her so much he was unable to think straight. Dylan had busied himself with meetings and projections after Ella left to make himself not go crazy with thinking about her but now there was no way he was going to spend Christmas without her, he just wished she thought the same.

"Thank you for dinner Jason." Ella said as he walked her to the front of the institute. Ella had been surprised when he showed up two days ago seeing as the last time they saw each other she'd been very rude to him even though he had nothing to do with what happened at all, he'd simply wanted her to know the truth.

"Ella," she stopped, he looked uncertain and then suddenly he covered the space between them and was kissing her. Ella was too stunned to react even after he pulled away, she was bewildered until his hand on her cheek brought her back to reality and she stepped away from him like his hand burned.


"Why did you do that?" She demanded.

"Ella I love you." he confessed.

"What?" Ella didn't think she heard him right.

"I lied when I said I only saw you as a friend," he finally admitted. "The truth is i've been in love with you from the moment I saw you again five years ago." Ella shook her head, this cannot be happening.

"Then why did you lie that day at the park?"

"Because you were with Dylan and I didn't want to come between you two but that was before I found out his true intentions." As Ella thought back to that night at the park, it occurred to her that Jason had wanted to tell her something but he'd hesitated after he found out she was engaged to Dylan, even so, she knew without a doubt that she would've risked it all if he'd just told her he loved her, he knew how she felt about him then and yet he said nothing.

Ella stared at him speechless, did she want to turn back time?


Because everything has changed, she's learned to love Dylan despite all that he's done, despite all the pain he caused her Ella couldn't imagine life without him. "After you said you never wanted to see me again I went away thinking that i'd come back when you were ready and that I would finally tell you how I feel. Please don't tell me I made a mistake coming back, don't tell me i'm too late." Ella didn't want to hurt him but she knew that's exactly what she'd be doing. She chose her words carefully.

"I appreciate everything you've done for me Jason, thank you for loving me. I don't want to hurt you Jason i..."

"You don't love me. You love him." he stated stiffly.

Ella nodded, "yes." She admitted. "I don't know how or when, it just happened and I don't regret it." She explained truthfully.

"That means I don't stand a chance at all?" he looked so lost and shattered that Ella felt her heart breaking for him.

"I'm sorry.

"Don't be. It's my fault for holding out too long, you deserve to be happy." he let out a nervous laugh. "Dylan is lucky to have you in his life."

"Thank you for understanding Jason, I hope we can still be friends?"

He smiled sadly. "Sure. Goodnight Ella."


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