Chapter Thirteen

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Ella threw open the French doors of her room at the culinary institute in Paris and grinned towards the sunlight, it felt amazing to be out here where she'd always wanted to be for a long time now. Being here felt surreal and Ella made a silent promise to herself to do the best she can and be her best, then she walked back into the room and began to unpack when the door opened and a slim light skinned girl barrelled in.

"Hello my name is Eileen Alferos."

"Ella Garcia." the perky girl rattled off in Tagalog and Ella knew in an instant that the two of them would get along just fine, she was glad to not be alone in this foreign city far from home.

Ella was so restless she couldn't sleep a wink that night. She was nervous as hell and didn't know what to expect.

"You'll get over it soon." Eileen assured her as they sat for breakfast but Ella didn't think that would be happening any time soon.

The room where they all assembled in was spacious and sunny and the teachers introduced themselves and Ella was so excited she couldn't stop giggling like a school girl at a carnival. They were divided into five groups of ten each before they were made to proceed with their first lesson.

The kitchen was state of the art and we'll organised.

"Hello everyone my name is Blake Parker and i'll be taking over for Pierre. We will begin with the basics for the next few days." he said and then he seemed to do a double take as his gaze connected with Ella's before he continued. "I would like us to get to know each other better so we'll start by introducing ourselves."

"Ella wait." Blake called as she was leaving the room. Ella glanced around to find they were the only ones left. "Do you remember me?" he asked, his tone hopeful.

"Yes at the charity ball." She smiled and his grin broadened. Of course she remembered him she wasn't going to suddenly forget what a major flirt he is.

"What a surprise to see you here. Dylan?"

Ella didn't know what to say so she stammered out a response. "He's doing okay."

"Did you two come to Paris together?"

"Uh, no."

"Um, Ella do you think maybe we could talk?" Blake stared at her meaningfully.

"What about?"

"I know things between you and Dylan are not okay. What I mean is I like you Ella from the moment I saw you, I didn't say anything because you were with Dylan but now that you two are not together..." how did he even know that? Ella wondered.

"You do realise that I'm still married to Dylan right?"

"I know that but you two are no longer together."

"And you were waiting to just swoop in at slightest opportunity."

"I've been patient."

"Look Mr Parker,"

"Call me Lake."

"Mr Parker," Ella emphasised, "i'm sorry but i'm not available right now." She turned to leave but his hand grabbing her arm made it impossible.

"Is there anything wrong with me I mean if you can be with Jason why can't I be added to the mix?" Ella stared at him like he'd suddenly grown two heads.

"You're mistaken..." She tried to explain but he cut on her.

"You can't fool me I know your type."

"Excuse me?" Ella snatched her hand back furiously.

"You act so innocent but it's just a facade."

"How dare you?" Ella was incensed at his disrespectful tone. "If you come near me again i'll make you feel sorry you ever knew me." she bit out icily. She wasn't one to issue threats but when the situation called for it she dished out as good as she got. She turned and matched out of the room.

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