Chapter Nineteen

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When he pulled away, Dylan searched her face like he was afraid she was only a figment of his imagination. "I can't believe you're really here."

Ella continued to stare at him without a word, she didn't know where to start. "You bought my flowers and sent me a note five years ago." She started and Dylan's hands fell to his side as he wondered how she knew about it. "You kissed me that night and I thought it was Jason."

"Ella..." Dylan felt like he was backed to a corner, he didn't know how she'd react. Will she be mad at him for doing all that?

"You named the yacht your father got for you before he died after me but you lied about it why?"

Ella stared at him, waiting for his response.

"I didn't think it mattered." he said with uncertainty.

"We'll it does matter." Ella said. "It matters a lot." and then she crashed her lips against his catching him off guard. "I love you Dylan, always." She confessed as they came up for air.

"And I love you." Dylan said and kissed her fervently. Their passions exploded as their mouth and hands communicate what they were both unable to say, sealing their hearts, bodies and souls for as long as they had each other.

Ella woke up hours later, sated from their lovemaking to find Dylan staring at her adorably. She smiled up at him and he grinned.

"You look so beautiful." he murmured huskily.

"And you're ever so handsome my beloved husband." She teased.

Dylan caressed her face with his fingers and grimaced suddenly. "I'm sorry." he said.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I wanted our first time together to be special."

"Life is a series of moments Dylan and this moment, right now couldn't have been more special." She kissed him and they proceeded to make sweet love with each other again. It was another hour later when Ella gasped all of a sudden.

"Is something wrong?"

"I forgot to call my parents they must be really worried."

"Then give them a call right now."

"I left my phone at home." She lamented.

"Use mine." Dylan suggested. "I'll be in the kitchen when you're done." he planted a kiss on her cheek and left the room.

"Father you don't have to worry, i'm with Dylan."

"Are you two back together?"

Ella nodded then realised he couldn't see her. "Yes." Ella heard her father sigh then he said.

"If he makes you happy then I have no problem but if he hurts you again..."


"You're my sweet daughter after all."

"I love you father."

"I love you too anak."

"What did they say?" Dylan asked as soon as Ella joined him in the kitchen.

"They're happy that we're happy."

"I'm glad to hear that." he captured her mouth in a slow seductive kiss. "Have I told you I love you?"

"More than I can count."

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