Chapter Nine

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Ella heard a low whistle behind her then someone saying, "look what we have here. Hey Dino i've got a pretty one here!" her heart jammed in her throat as she realised it was so late and no one might be able to save her. She hiked her bag up all the way to her shoulder and tried to look unaffected by their jeering she began to walk briskly only to find one of them blocking her exit, she reared back in fright and felt fear like she had the day she was kidnapped by those loan sharks, if Dylan hadn't been there to save her...oh Dylan, Ella thought miserably, was there any chance that he would be able to come to her rescue tonight?

She shivered in disgust as one of the guys ran a cold finger down the side of her face and they laughed in amusement. She shut her eyes, whispering a silent prayer.

"Get away from her." A stern voice she didn't recognise ordered and Ella cracked her eyes open and was stunned to find none other than Ethan Villamor standing there his expression as hard as granite as he stared down the guys pestering her.

"This is none of your business pretty face." one of them jeered. The other one swung at Ethan unexpectedly but he dodged and punched him right in the nose. All three attacked him simultaneously that Ella was suddenly afraid for him but Ethan managed to dispense of them all to her relief.

After the guys fled, Ella led Ethan back to the café, she unlocked the door and asked him to sit while she got the first aid box.

"Do you have a death wish or what?" he demanded angrily when she returned. "Don't you know it's not safe for you to be out here at this hour?"

He was right Ella admitted but he was no one to be mad at her.

"I didn't ask you to get involved did I?" she bit out icily, "besides, it was none of your concern." as soon as the words left her mouth Ella wanted to take it back. She realised she was ungrateful when she should've been thankful that he'd gotten there just in time to save her.

"It is my business when it involves the wife of my best friend." Ella was caught off guard at his firm statement.

"I didn't think you liked me that much." She mumbled suddenly feeling awkward.

Ethan cleared his throat and looked sheepish as he said, "well everyone is entitled to a change of heart don't they? Besides I got to know you and you're not bad at all."

Ella smiled brightly. "I know how charming and sweet I can be." She teased.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." he told her. "I don't cosy up to people easily so you should count yourself lucky."

"I figured." She threw back with a roll of her eyes and took his hand but he snatched it back.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm trying to bandage your hand."

"There's no need, it's fine." he protested.

"Don't be stubborn." She chastised and grabbed his hand forcefully and applied the bandage on it. "There, it's all done."

Ella made him tea and sat across from him. None of them said a word for a long time then finally he admitted.

"I've been wrong about you for a long time Ella. When you appeared, I thought you were another Savannah out to destroy both my friends."

"I'm guilty of that though."

"But you love Dylan and that's different. I thought he'd be wiser by now but he screwed things up like five years ago."

Ella's delicate brows arched as she asked, "what happened five years ago?"

"Oh no don't mind me." he dismissed. Ella had a feeling he was hiding something but if he didn't want to tell her she wasn't going to be nosy and insist. It probably had nothing to do with her.

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